摘 要
With the growing of Factory Automation, Computer Integrated Manufacture System and extensive application of Flexible Manufacture System、Automatic Warehouse, the application field and technical level of AGV which contact and adjust the discrete logistics system, make the mission continuous, has greatly enlarged and improved.
AGV is the unmanned driver automatic guided vehicle which has its untouched guided equipment, its control center is the microcontroller and storage battery is driving power, its basic function of automatic action is guided driving, recognizing the address to stop precisely and remove the load. As the valid measure of contemporary logistics processing automation and the key equipment of flexible manufacture system, the AGV has already got more and more extensive application, so that the research on AGV has very important theory meaning and realistic meaning.
The main work in this dissertation was arranged as follows:
The constitution of AGV system, the path guided means and their principles were discussed. According to the requests of the topic, infrared rays guided method was used in the AGV system.
According to the control and the craftwork requests of the AGVS, the total frame structure of control system was designed. About hardware, the right sensor, MCU and motor controller had been chosen, the sensing circuits and MCU controlling hard circuits was designed, about software, to achieve many system functions, and to realize serial communication between the MCU and motor controller, blocking programming method was employed.
On the base of summarizing the dissertation, the development prospect of AGV research was put forward.
Key word:hoisting mechanism;motor;belts;belt pulley

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
绪论 1
1 AGV发展现状 2
1.1 AGV发展环境 2
1.1.1国外研究状况 2
1.1.2 国内发展情况 2
1.1.3AGV的结构 3
1.2图书馆AGV小车发展现状研究 4
1.2.1图书馆AGV小车的构成 4
1.2.2本课题主要工作 4
2 图书馆AGV小车起升机构设计与原理分析 6
2.1小车起升机构设计与工作原理分析 6
2.2小车起升机构零件选型 7
2.2.1电机的选型 7
2.2.2皮带的选型 11
2.2.3带轮的选型 12
3 图书馆AGV小车起升机构设计计算 15
3.1起升机构载重分析 15
3.1.1计算载荷P的确定 16
3.1.2安全系数n的确定 16
3.3.3计算最大正应力 17
3.1.4强度验算 17
3.2 电机扭矩转速分析 17
3.2.1进给驱动伺服电机的选择 17
3.2.2负载转矩的计算 17
3.2.3电机转速分析 18
3.3 同步带传动计算 20
3.3.1同步带受力情况的分析 20
4 工程图设计 22
4.1 装配图设计 23
4.1.1一般装配图技术要求: 23
4.1.2总图中的技术要求 24
4.2零件图设计 24
4.2.1一般零件图技术要求: 25
4.2.2零件图的技术要求 26
结 论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29