摘 要
Design of the wind turbine generator based on Pro/E
As the name suggests, wind turbine is a mechanical device which use wind energy to generate electricity . In recent years, the development of wind turbine manufacturing industry is rapid. As the most important part in the wind power generator, wind turbine gearbox has won the world’s attention in it’s research and development. Many western countries have mastered lots of core technologies. However, in our country, although the research of wind turbine gearbox has many breakthroughs, there is still a big gap compared with foreign countries, many component still rely on imports. Therefore, our country should continue to strengthen the research and progress of the gear box, and strive to master the key technology.
The subject of this design is wind turbine gearbox, through accessing to data to select and distribute the transmission ratio, and through the calculation, analysis, mechanical drawing to complete all the design.
1) By consulting the data to determine the structure of the gear box, then selecting the transmission ratio and distributing it and determine the parameters by calculation ;
2) To determine the parameters at all levels of the gear , such as modulus, tooth number and so on;
3) To make the force analysis of the planetary gear’s transmission and check the strength according to the standard, to ensure that the results meeting the requirements.
4) Using CAD software to make machine drawing.
5) Making easy finite element analysis by Pro/E software.
Key words: wind power generator; gear box; structure design
本次设计的是2.0 MW风电齿轮箱传动系统,所用具体参数如下表:
发电机额定功率 2000KW
总齿轮传动比 75~85
额定功率时输入转速 12.1rpm
额定功率时输出转速 976.25rpm
(1) 依据齿轮箱的技术要求与工作特点选用行星齿轮的传动方式。
(2) 依据所查设计要求选用合适的传动方案并确定总体的结构类型。
(3) 依据上图所选用的输入输出转速数据来确定整体结构的传动比:

目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1 绪 论 1
1.1 国内外风电发展状况 1
1.2 论文的主要内容 3
2 增速箱齿轮结构设计 4
2.1 增速箱齿轮的设计要求及设计步骤 4
2.2 增速箱传动方案设计 4
2.3 增速箱齿轮参数要求 5
2.4 增速器整机设计 6
2.5 材料选择及强度校核 11
3 齿轮箱其他部件的设计 15
3.1 轴承盖的设计 15
3.2 行星架的设计 15
3.3 箱体设计 16
4 基于Pro/E的有限元分析 17
4.1 Pro/E软件简介 17
4.2 Pro/E的有限元分析 17
4.3 主轴分析过程 17
5 结论 23
参考文献 24