摘 要
The basic vehicle brake system is to use a moving vehicle slow down or stop, so that the speed of cars on the downhill to remain stable and to have been suspended or ramps in place the car fixed on the presence of the body. Automotive brake system directly affects the safety and reliability of parking. With the rapid development of highway and the speed increased, and increasing traffic density, in order to ensure traffic safety, park reliability, the work of automobile brake system reliability is becoming increasingly important. Only brake good, reliable car brake system to fully play its dynamic performance.
The disc brake is called the dish type brake, this kind of brake radiates quickly, the weight light, the structure simple, the adjustment is convenient, specially when high load the performance is well, applies the brake the effect to be stable, moreover did not fear the spate attack, in winter and the bad state of roads down driving, the disc type applies the brake compared to the drum type to apply the brake to stop easily in the short time the vehicle.
The design function from the brake lines and design requirements, the basis of a given design parameters, select the car's tires, brakes and the advantages and disadvantages of various forms were compared, the chosen form of the sliding caliper disc. Calculated according to the tire rim diameter size, determine the size of the brake disc, calculated according to empirical formula, and checking other parameters, and with CAD, UG draw a disc brake assembly drawing and part drawings.
Keywords:Braking system,Wheel rim,Brake disc,Disc brakes

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2 课题背景 1
1.3 汽车制动系概述 2
第二章 制动器结构型式及选择 5
2.1 盘式制动器的结构型式及选择 5
2.1.1 定钳盘式制动器 6
2.1.2 浮钳盘式制动器 7
2.1.3 全盘式制动器 7
2.2 盘式和鼓式制动器比较 8
第三章 制动器的主要参数及其选择 10
3.1 制动力与制动力分配 10
3.1.1 制动时前、后轮的地面法向反作用力 10
3.2 具有固定比值的前、后制动器制动力与同步附着系数 11
3.3 制动器的制动力矩 12
3.4 利用附着系数与制动效率 13
第四章 制动器的设计计算 16
4.1 原始数据和技术参数 16
4.2 参数选择以及数据计算 16
4.2.1 盘式制动器主要参数的确定 16
4.2.2 摩擦块磨损均匀性验证 17
4.2.3 紧急制动时前后轮法向反力及附着力距 17
4.2.4 同步附着系数的确定 19
4.2.5 制动器的效率 19
4.2.6 制动力矩以及盘的压力 19
4.2.7 同步附着系数的验算 20
4.2.8 摩擦衬块的磨损特性的验算 21
第五章 制动驱动机构的结构型式选择与设计计算 22
5.1 制动驱动机构型式 22
5.1.1 简单制动系 22
5.1.2 动力制动系 22
5.1.3 伺服制动系 23
5.2 液压制动驱动机构的设计计算 24
5.2.1 制动轮缸直径d的确定 24
5.2.2 制动主缸直径do的确定 24
5.2.3 制动踏板力Fp 25
5.2.4 制动踏板工作行程Sp 25
第六章 盘式制动器主要零件的三维建模 27
6.1 UG介绍 27
6.2 制动器主要零件三维建模过程 27
6.2.1 制动盘的建模 27
6.2.2 摩擦块得建模 32
第七章 结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录A:英文资料 37
附录B:英文资料翻译 50