Design and simulation of fruit picking manipulator
Abstract: Fruit picking work is full of a strong complexity and low degree of automation. Now, the harvest of fruit is mainly done by hand in China. The 21st century is the key period for the transition from agricultural mechanization to intelligent automation machinery, and industrial intelligent automation is very important for modern agricultural to develop large-scale, diversification and precision. In this paper, the design of picking manipulator for small citrus fruit is to realize the whole process of fruit picking.
This paper analyzes the environment of picking and characteristics of the fruit picking manipulator, and puts forwards to a six-degree-of-freedom small citrus picking series manipulator. Through the design of three kinds of end executor mechanical structure, making the manipulator has the utility function, and combines the manipulator and the related aided device, realizing the automation of the whole process of citrus orchard. This paper is based on SolidWorks, which establishes the model of three-dimensional and simulation analysis of the mechanism. According to the results of simulation and experiment, the mechanical hand, we’re sure that it has good picking performance. The agency has solved the fruit, fruit picking people picking high workload and artificial picking has some shortcomings, such as risk, realizing the small citrus and other fruit automatic picking is not subject to physical damage.
Keywords: Industrial robot; Fruit picking robot; Manipulator; Kinematics simulation

目 录
摘要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国外研究成果及现状 1
1.2.1 国外采摘机器人成果及现状 1
1.2.2 国外末端执行器研制进展情况 3
1.3 国内研究成果及现状 4
1.4 主要研究的内容 4
第2章 柑橘采摘机器人机械手机构设计 5
2.1 小型柑橘的生物学特征 5
2.2 采摘机器人选型原则 6
2.3 柑橘采摘机器人机械手的选型 7
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章 柑橘采摘机器人总体结构方案设计 9
3.1 可移动小车底盘 10
3.2 升降梯 10
3.3 柑橘采摘机械手臂 11
3.4 柑橘采摘执行末端 12
3.5 电控系统 12
3.5.1 控制系统 12
3.5.2 视觉系统 12
3.6 本章小结 13
第4章 执行末端的设计 14
4.1 柑橘采摘末端执行器设计的总体原则 14
4.2 设计三维软件Solidworks简介 14
4.3 连杆机构设计方案 14
4.4 半球式设计方案 20
4.5 半齿设计方案 21
4.5.1 齿轮传动的计算载荷 22
4.6 三种方案的优缺点分析 24
4.7本章小结 25
第5章 柑橘采摘机械手运动分析 26
5.1 柑橘采摘机器人机械手运动学分析 26
5.1.1 运动学正解 27
5.1.2 反解验证 28
5.1.3 机械手雅可比矩阵的求解 28
5.1.4 机械手速度和加速度正解分析 29
5.2 柑橘采摘机械手零件理论分析 30
5.2.1 机械零件疲劳极限的因素 30
5.2.2 带传动分析 31
5.3 本章小结 32
第6章 机械手末端执行器有限元分析 33
6.1 连杆机构末端执行器模态分析 33
6.2 半球式设计末端执行器模态分析 35
6.3 半齿设计末端执行器模态分析 37
6.4 模态分析总分析 39
6.5 本章小结 40
第7章 总结与展望 41
参考文献 42
致谢 44