来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314590 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314590
关键词 带式输送机;大倾角;滚筒
With the development of science and technology, large angle conveyors have been widely used in the transportation industry. This paper briefly introduces the status quo of belt conveyors and the technological gaps at home and abroad. It explains in detail the classification and characteristics of conveyors, elaborates the working principle of conveyors and designs a set of feasible overall plans. A series of design calculations are performed on the given parameters to design and select the various components of the conveyor to complete the design of the entire body. The basic components of the large-angle belt conveyor can be used in common with common conveyors, so it is easy to maintain. Compared with the universal belt conveyor, the large-angle belt conveyor can be transported at any angle from 0° to 90°. Greatly reduced the area of the machine also saved the cost of the project investment, and made great contributions to the development of the transportation industry in China.
Keywords belt conveyor large angle roller

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 带式运输机的现况 1
1.1 带式输送机的分类及特点 1
1.2 带式输送机的工作原理 3
1.3 所选课题的内容及意义 3
2 总体设计方案 5
2.1 总体设计 5
2.2 输送机主要部件用途及选择 5
2.3 布置形式的选择 8
2.4 托辊间距离的选择 8
3 输送机参数的设计计算 9
3.1 输送机输送量的计算 9
3.2 输送机的运行功率及张紧计算 10
3.2.1 传动滚筒上所需的圆周力 10
3.2.2 张紧力的计算 11
4 输送机部件的选型 13
4.1 输送带 13
4.1.1 输送带的选用 13
4.1.2 输送带的结构与选用 13
4.2 电动机的选用 17
4.3 减速器的选用 17
4.4 托辊 18
4.4.1 托辊的分类与选用 18
4.4.2 辊子载荷计算 18
4.4.3 辊子轴的基本选择 20
4.5 张紧装置 21
4.5.1 张紧装置在输送机中重要地位 21
4.5.2 张紧装置的分类 21
4.6 制动装置 21
4.6.1 制动器的分类 22
4.6.2 制动力的计算 22
5 附属装置 24
5.1 给料装置 24
5.1.1 对给料装置的基本要求 24
5.1.2 装料点的缓冲 24
5.2 清扫装置 24
5.2.1 清扫器的类型 25
5.2.2 清扫器的安装位置 25
5.3 机架 25
6 总装图 27
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30