主题词:挤压式核桃破壳机 结构设计
In this paper, according to the shape and properties of plastics, and literature review,combined with the actual situation, the design of plastic recycling equipment, includingcrushing, screening machine and its important components. This paper first introduces thetypes and parameters of grinding the development status and trends, screening equipment and technology at crushing and screening equipment. Then the mechanical properties and analysis of all kinds of plastic, and according to its performance and crushing and screeningeffect required various feasibility scheme, structure and performance characteristics ofcrushing and screening machine. At the. At the end of each scheme are compared with each other, select design relatively superior design. If the feeding port etc.. In the design of a screening machine, the selection of screening machine transmission device and shaft coupling and the crusher is the same, so the design process, design of identical parts are omitted,. Only the important structure is discussed in detail and design
Key words: crusher structure design

第一章 前言 5
1.1 设计的目的和意义 5
1.2 提出背景 6
1.3 设计的基本要求 7
1.4 设计的指导思想 7
第二章 挤压式核桃破壳机的结构选择 8
2.1 结构方案的确定 8
2.2 工作原理 8
第三章 挤压式核桃破壳机的机构设计 10
3.1电机的选择 10
3.2传动装置设计 11
3.2.1运动学和动力学计算 11
3.2.2圆柱转轴传动的设计计算 12
3.2.3 V带传动的设计计算 18
3.2.4 轴的初步设计 21
3.2.5初选联轴器和轴承 21
3.2.6 转轴结构尺寸 22
3.2.7轴的结构设计及其按许用弯曲应力计算 22
3.3破壳执行机构的设计 26
3.3.1 中心轴及挤压轮 26
3.3.2 筒体 28
3.3.3 进料口 28
3.3.4 其他装置 30
第四章 标准件的选择 30
4.1 电动机的选择 30
4.2 轴承的选择 31
4.3 键的选择 31
4.4 螺栓的选择 31
4.5 螺母的选用 32
4.6 垫圈的选择 32
第五章 总结与展望 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35