关键词: 分流式调压阀,阀体系统,结构型式
New double control type electric fuel pump is the power component of certain flow rate and pressure of the oil to the pump body system, it is a core component of each pump body system is an indispensable and rational choice model of double control type electric fuel pump for the energy consumption of the pump system, improve the system efficiency, reduce the noise, and improve the work performance and ensure the system reliable work is very important
Calculation and analysis of the structure of the classification of the design of the new type of double control type electric fuel pump is analyzed, the main analysis of the new type of double control type electric fuel pump of the structure, for example, a new double control type electric fuel pump type, structure type, structure type of analysis and design, including their stress. And the cylinder of the material selection and verification is the key; finally, the variable mechanism type of detailed analysis and comparison of their advantages and disadvantages. The design of the new type of double control type electric fuel pump of the advantages and disadvantages of the overall analysis, the future development of the prospect.
Key words: new dual control electric fuel pump, pump body system, structure type

目 录
摘要 2
一、 绪论 5
1、分流式调压阀的现状 5
2、分流式调压阀组合系统的任务和特点 6
3、单片机控制系统的优点 6
二、分流式调压阀总体设计 7
1 分流式调压阀架材料的选择 7
2系统设计思想与控制系统要求 8
3调压阀组合系统的构造 9
4 控制系统方案 9
5 难点及解决方案 10
6 调压阀系统总体结构、组成与器件选择 10
1 控制系统器选择 10
2 晶体管选择 11
7 处理与数据采集的子程序设计 11
1 数字滤波程序 11
2 数据采集程序 12
3 调试及改进 13
三、阀体设计计算 14
1、阀体断面设计方式 14
2、阀体强度的计算 15
3、阀体变形度计算 18
4、运行动任稳性计算 19
1, 底座的整体稳定 19
2, 对阀体腹板的局部稳定性 20
3, 受压翼缘的局部稳定性 20
5 排量﹑流量与容积效率 20
1 扭矩与机械效率 21
2 功率与效率 22
四, 阀体的设计方法: 22
1阀体的设计 23
2、阀体中央断面设计 23
3、分流式调压阀最大阀压设计 24
1, 阀体的整体稳定 24
2, 对阀体局部稳定性 24
3, 受压局部稳定性 24
五, 阀体的设计: 24
(1)当载荷移到左端极限位置时, 各车轮阀压 25
⑵当载荷移到右端极限位置时各车车轮阀压(由于没有操纵室所以两端对称): 26
⑶当阀体空载时 26
六、阀体连接方式 29
1、主、阀体连接形成及受力分析 29
2、螺栓拉力的计算 30
七 控制系统系统硬件电路设计 30
7.1 控制系统方案选择 30
7.2传感器的选择 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34