摘 要
关键词 管材 滚切机 端面凸轮
Along with the development of cutting machine, cutting machine adopts the roll online in recent years in foreign countries cut off the tubes are developed new technology. This kind of cutting machine is rolling by 3 to a wedge disc shape roll, the rolling pressure blade cut into the methods will pipes cut off. Since it is a rolling a chip less shear, the cutting tool roll-cut trip is slightly higher than the pipe wall thickness can be cut off, and high efficiency pipes, especially for large diameter tubes). Can realize the little noise, no scraps, small (no) burr cut tube, and can ensure the pipe in vertical pipe axis incision absolute. Thus, can simplify production technology, reducing equipment investment, reduce the production cost, and can improve the production environment, solved the problem of noise steel enterprises.
My design is section CAM tubular steel rolling cutting machine, get online cut off the work of principle is to use the wedge with three of the disc roll-cut blade even installed in frame on, cutter head frame is driven gear, gear rotating driven by rack drive, promoting rack and CAM section head into the frame to realize radial feeding, the blade was cut pipe after contact with, in addition to the revolution around the pipe outside, still around their own center axis rotation in pipes, achieving pure rolling, surface in radial feeding system under the function of the pipes cut off gradually. This cut way can realize incision section contour not distortion. Roll-cut type is rotating wedge method in recent years.
Keywords pipe roll cutting machine section CAM

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1非剪切类的切断方法 3
1.2.2剪切类切断方法 4
第2章 方案确定 5
2.1旧型滚切机在实际应用中存在的问题 5
2.2设计原理 6
第3章 滚切机本体设计 10
3.1 参数选择及基本数据确定 10
3.3 滚切力的计算 12
3.3.1 滚切力的理论分析 12 径向加工力的计算 13
3.3.2 切向加工力的计算 14
3.3.3 转盘轴及轴上部件 14
3.4 刀夹座的设计 15
3.5 齿轮参数选择及齿轮轴强度校核 16
3.7 进给架、进给环设计 20
3.8.1系杆架转动力矩 21
3.9本章小结 22
第4章 部件设计 23
4.1 夹紧装置设计 23
4.1.1夹紧装置液压缸的设计 24
4.1.2夹紧凸轮的设计 26
4.2 小车行走装置设计 27
4.2.1 小车动力传动方式的选择 27
4.2.2 小车主体的受力分析 27
4.2.4 行走小车电动机的选取 29
4.3 本章小结 30
结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附录1 34