摘 要
本文详细介绍了运用SolidWorks软件(3D 机械设计软件的标准)进行车载工作平台及液压系统设计的设计。由于SolidWorks软件无论对零件设计,还是对整个机构设计都起了一个模拟仿真的作用,在SolidWorks软件中,我们可以直观,清楚地了解整个设计的外形,运作甚至是材料的分析。借助SolidWorks,将产品更快地投入市场。SolidWorks 提供无与伦比的性能和价值,它是技术创新的领先者,并且还拥有最大的用户群。没有其他CAD 系统可以帮助您快速准确地完成产品设计工作。
This paper introduces the application of SolidWorks software (3D mechanical design software standards) design pressure bar machine soundboard. Because SolidWorks software for both parts design, but also to the whole mechanism design is a simulation function, in the SolidWorks software, we can visually, clearly understand the whole appearance of the design, operation and material analysis.With the help of SolidWorks, bring products to market more quickly. SolidWorks provides incomparable performance and value, it is the leader in technological innovation, and also has the largest user group. No other CAD system can help you quickly and accurately complete the product design work.
soundboard tohe three-dimensional software to make a series of instructions, and then the various aspects of the introduction on the piano, to let the reader through the understanding of the piano soundboard, recognition of pressure bar machine, combined with SolidWorks software, the two together. Through the SolidWorks software design, AUTOCAD drawing from 2D to 3D, the SolidWorks the equipment, greatly improves the design efficiency, avoid the engineers in the emerging reality of error, so fabricate the soundboard pressure bar machine, soundboard is a very important part for piano, for the study of the machine is very meaningful.
This paper first makes a brief introduction on the SolidWorks software, the three-dimensional software to make a series of instructions, and then the various aspects of the introduction on the piano, to let the reader through the understanding of the piano soundboard, recognition of pressure bar machine, combined with SolidWorks software, the two together. Through the SolidWorks software design, AUTOCAD drawing from 2D to 3D, the SolidWorks the equipment, greatly improves the design efficiency, avoid the engineers in the emerging reality of error, so as to show a strong performance of 3D software
Keywords:SolidWorks;piano;The soundboard;Pressure bar machine

第1章绪 论 3
1.1 课题研究的背景 3
1.2 课题研究的意义 3
1.3 课题研究的内容 3
1.3.1 SolidWorks设计基础 4
1.3.2 草图绘制 4
1.3.3 基准特征-参考几何体的创建 4
1.3.4 拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建模 4
1.3.5 工程图设计 4
1.3.6 装配设计 4
第2章 SolidWorks的详细介绍 6
2.1关于SolidWork 6
2.2 SolidWorks的发展和荣誉 6
2.3 Solidworks软件特点 7
2.4本章小结 9
第三章车载工作平台及液压系统设计的制作 10
3.1车载工作平台及液压系统设计制作 10
3.2液压缸的工作原理及设计计算: 10
第四章车载工作平台及液压系统设计的设计 12
4.2应用Solidworks软件进行车载工作平台及液压系统设计零件图设计 13
4.2.1车载工作平台及液压系统设计框架建模设计 13
4.2.2关于车载工作平台及液压系统设计中液压组件建模设计 18
4.3应用Solidworks软件对车载工作平台及液压系统设计指定零件进行受力分析,以主传动轴为例,案例如下: 22
4.4本章小结 25
第5 章三维建模的概述 26
5.1零件图设计要点(根据已有AutocAD图纸,出三维图要点) 26
5.2零件图出工程图要点 26
5.3装配图安装要点 27
5.4受力分析要点 27
总 结 28
一、三维软件机械设计总结 28
参考文献 29