电液犁式卸料器工作原理[1]:以电动机把输出的机械能通过液压系统(液压缸、驱动杆等结构)转化液压能,再有液压能驱动液压推杆把液压能转化为机械能,带动框架前,促使犁头组合进行卸料工作。电液犁式卸料器工作时,液压推杆推动作用于驱动杆,带动框架前进,完成犁刀下落与上升状态;并且,支撑起平托辊组机械机构,使固定式运输机的皮带工作面平直,使犁头下降到沿与固定式传送带皮带面贴合紧密。然后,煤料料行卸入漏斗。同时,由原煤堵塞的优质煤形成的原因进行了系统的分析,与深刻的研究;故提出了犁式卸料器在原煤仓防堵中的运用方案,将电液动双侧犁式卸料器改造成犁式卸料器后,解决发生过严重堵煤现象,此方案适用于任何品质及水分含量的原煤 。
With mining industry continue to develop, the ordinary unloading feeder is far less than the actual work requirements, affect the work efficiency; thus, promote the emerging of the unloading machine R & D and design. At present, the electric hydraulic plough type unloader occupies an important position; plough type unloader further set out to overcome the all electric old-fashioned discharger shortcomings. At present, the improvement of the front and rear double ploughshares, electro-hydraulic type, such as different practical structure; therefore, it is now the most advanced, the most practical unloading material structure of mine machinery.
In the past 20 years, the a new device "electric hydraulic plough type unloader, suitable for the production of a large number of coal mine. It has the advantages of simple structure, flexible operation, good visual feeling, manufacturing, convenient maintenance, in production has been applied gradually. Welcomed by workers.
Analysis of the formation of unloading is closely clung to the group, and the working principle of electric hydraulic plough type unloader [1] to motor output mechanical energy through a hydraulic system (hydraulic cylinder structure) into hydraulic energy, another hydraulic drive hydraulic push rod for dynamic execution. Electro hydraulic plough type unloader, hydraulic push rod driving role in driving rod with dynamic frame forward and complete Coulter falling state support Pinto and mechanical mechanism, so that the conveyor belt surface is flat, and the colter falls along with the belt surface, and then, the conveyor belt on the aggregate into the funnel (hopper), or removing the need to place. At the same time, in Heshan Power Plant coal bunker coal blockage, and puts forward The single side plough type unloading feeder in the coal bunker against blocking in the application program, electric hydraulic bilateral plow type material for retrofit into unilateral plough unloader, Heshan Power Plant did not happen serious coal blockage accident, this scheme applicable to any quality and moisture content of coal .
In the choice of analysis is suitable for unilateral unilateral unilateral unilateral electro hydraulic plough type unloader of coal purification of important role; and electro hydraulic plough type unloader can also to dust removal equipment of coal and other mineral production greatly improves the work efficiency, I design the electro - hydraulic plough type unloader is mainly of electric liquid single side plough type unloader overall design analysis; secondly, the electro - hydraulic plough type unloader conveyor selection and personality parameters calculation; moreover, focuses on the analysis of the mechanical structure stress analysis and design improvement and design, further finite element analysis; finally, the hydraulic structure with the use of the electric push rod motor Mechanism and a machine frame welding. And on the electric hydraulic plough type unloader part structure design, and so on, through the graduation design let oneself the unloader machinery structure stress more in-depth understanding of. At the same time, unloading feeder institutions in China's industrial development is an indispensable, we need unremitting efforts on innovation, create 2025 industrial development.
Keywords: electric hydraulic plough type unloader; principle; unloader mechanical structural mechanics analysis;
3.液压传动系统能够实现无级调速,传动比的范围在 ,故调速范围较大。

一 摘要...................................................................................................3
二 犁式卸料器概述................................................................9
三 犁式卸料器的工作原理....................................................8
四 犁式卸料器的的结构特点与使用情况..............................8
4.1 犁式卸料器的结构特点.............................................10
五 犁式卸料器结构分析与计算............................................12
5.1 犁式卸料器总体要求与结构分析.............................12
5.1.1 犁式卸料器总体要求..............................................12
5.2 固定式带式输送机选择............................................................12
5.2.2 DTII型固定式带式输送机的机构分析..................................19
5.4 犁式卸料器部分结构设计.........................................21
5.5.2 卸料器下部托架......................................................................25
5.5.4 电动推杆的选择.................................................................30
5.5.5 电动机的选择...................................................................32
六 总 结 ......................................................................................42
七 参考文献........................................................................................44
八 谢 辞.............................................................................................46