来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314829 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314829
Structure Design of escape device in High Building
Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the background and research significance of the high-building escape device, analyzes and compares some shortcomings of the existing high-building escape device, such as high cost, complex mechanism, low safety factor and so on. According to the mechanical design and the innovative theory of mechanical principle, the device designed a low cost and high safety escape device of negative feedback closed loop system. The device has the characteristics of low cost, high safety factor, simple operation, pure machinery and no electrical structure. Finally, through the calculation of the components of the escape device, the CAD figure of the whole mechanism is drawn, and after many calculations and tests, I'm sure it's no matter what People can safely escape from tall buildings when they are in distress, and achieve the purpose of this mechanical design.
Keywords :High-rise building fire escape device, mechanical structure design, closed-loop system, reciprocating,controllable.

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 整体方案设计 5
第3章 轴的设计 9
2.1 轴的概述 9
2.2 主动轴的设计 10
2.3 从动轴的设计 11
第4章 齿轮的设计 13
3.1 齿轮的概述 13
3.2 齿面接触疲劳强度和齿根弯曲强度设计 13
第5章 棘轮的设计 17
4.1 棘轮的概述 17
4.2 棘轮的设计 18
第6章 其他零部件的设计选择 21
5.1 标准件的选择 21
5.2 安全背带衣的选择 21
5.3 安全挂钩的设计 22
5.4 安全下降绳的设计 22
第7章 计算和验证 23
6.1 静力学平衡计算 23
6.2 绕绳的计算 24
6.3 速度计算 25
第8章 装配图 29
结论 31
参考文献 35
英文翻译 36