摘 要
With the progress of the information technology and the development of the global manufacturing techniques, enterprises require more efficient and lower cost machines by reason of enhancing their competitive ability. But conventional machine tools will encounter many difficulties which are hard to overcome in the future, for instance of high-speed machining ( path speed exceeding 50m/min)and high efficient space curved surfacing machining as well as flexibility of machines. Thus, it is very important to explore and study kind of modern machines.
Be compared to the normal numerical control machine tool, it has larger rigidity, stronger carrying capacity, smaller error, higher precision, smaller ratio of self-weight and load, better dynamical capacity, less investment of hardware, but stronger function of software. All of these show its high additional technical valve.
This research topic for the current trend of the processing machine, developed a design of a parallel machine test-bed task, which the Author co-design and a partner. Some of them parallel to the allocation of the partner, the author mainly responsible for the PMT test-bed framework of the overall structural design.
Platform from roughly parallel bodies - three parallel screw (motor driven), cast iron rack, with card platform and Spindle and milling chucks of spring.
Key words: parallel instruction, virtual axis processing, Jacobian Matrix, positive solution algorithm

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景与意义 1
1.2 并联机床发展历史及现状 2
1.3本文主要研究内容 5
第2章 重要零部件选型 6
2.1依照主轴功率确定电主轴型号 6
2.2 选择主轴下部刀具夹头 7
2.3选择工件的装卡方式 8
第3章 实验台支承部分及其连接的方案 11
3.1机架的设计方案 11
3.2铸造机架的材料及热处理 14
3.3机架的截面形状、壁厚及周边筋的布置 14
3.4立柱与底座的连接方式 16
3.5底座的造型 16
第4章 实验台驱动电路 17
4.1 电路布线方案 17
4.2 电路控制要求 17
4.3电路控制连线原理图 17
第5章 实验结果及三维建模 18
5.1 设计并联实验台结果 18
5.2 实验台SOLIDWORKS建模 18
第6章总结与展望 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 20