来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314864 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314864
摘 要
关键词: CA6140; 机床; 主轴箱; 零件
With the rapid development of machinery industry, the market is bright, through the digestion and absorption of foreign advanced technology and experience to the advantage of our resources into, and thus a place in the manufacturing sector. Machine tool spindle box is an important component, it bears the entire power transmission task machine tools, spindle box also directly affects good and bad machine's efficiency, can be imagined importance spindle box.
In machinery industry, the CA6140 machine as the main cutting machine, has been widely applied in the industry of parts processing, this design is mainly for CA6140 lathe spindle box design, determination of main parameters design content including machine tools, transmission scheme and drive system chart of the main parts is calculated by using two-dimensional drawing software to design and parts processing
Key words: CA6140; Mahine tools; Spindle box; parts

目 录
第一章 引言 1
第二章 机床的规格和用途 2
第三章 主要技术参数 3
第四章 拟定传动方案和传动系统图 5
4.1极限转速的确定 5
4.2公比的确定 5
4.3主轴转速级数Z的求算 5
4.4结构网或结构式的确定 5
4.5转速图的绘制 5
第五章 计算和验算主要设计零件 7
5.1主轴箱的箱体 7
5.2. 设计I轴及轴上零件 8
5.2.1计算普通V带传动 8
5.2.2计算多片式摩擦离合器 10
5.2.3验算齿轮 12
5.2.4验算传动轴 14
5.2.5疲劳强度校核——轴承 16
5.3. 设计Ⅱ轴及轴上零件 17
5.3.1验算齿轮 17
5.3.2验算传动轴 20
5.3.3验算轴组件的刚度 22
5.4 Ⅲ轴及轴上零件设计 24
5.4.1验算齿轮 24
5.4.2 验算传动轴 27
5.4.3 验算轴组件的刚度 29
5.5设计Ⅳ轴及轴上零件 32
5.5.1验算齿轮 32
5.5.2验算传动轴 35
5.5.3验算轴组件的刚度 36
5.6. 设计Ⅴ轴及轴上零件 36
5.6.1验算齿轮 37
5.6.2验算传动轴 38
5.6.3验算轴组件的刚度 39
总结 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42