In China, many industrial ligament developing productivity high precision machining equipment imported from abroad, such as CNC lathe, milling machine, etc, and have several function of machine together in processing center, etc. In this kind of CNC machine greatly enhanced the work product machining accuracy, speed and reduce the labor intensity of work, so popular. But this kind of equipment, the introduction is also very expensive, so many domestic enterprises in the technical personnel of the original old machine, to improve productivity and reduce labor intensity,industrial automation, this kind of improvement is also very popular.
I think for ordinary led by a set of machine design on the manipulator, to reduce feeding time, reduce labor intensity. Manipulator is a kind of imitation of the upper body movement machine, it can be scheduled according to request type or holds the automation tool operation of technical equipment, industrial automation, promote the production of industrial production of the further development plays an important role. The powerful vitality and the extensive attention by people, and welcome.
Industrial robots can replace the hand of heavy labor, reduce labor intensity. Industrial production often appears in the heavy work frequently, if not drab robots that labor intensity is high, sometimes even with employees, driving speed greatly retard, this kind of circumstance using manipulator is very effective. In addition, it can be in high temperature, temperature, the universe, reflective and other toxic, environmental pollution condition on the operation. More show its superiority, has broad prospects.
Key words: machine hand; robotization fatigue strength; productiveness

目 录
第一章引言 1
1.1 执行机构 1
1.2机械手的系统工作原理及组成 1
1.2.1 手部 2
1.2.2手腕手臂 2
1.2.3立柱 2
1.2.4行走机构 2
第二章液压缸 3
2.1 液压缸的选定 3
2.1.1 单活塞液压缸缸筒内径的计算 3
2.1.2 缸筒壁厚的计算 3
2.1.3 缸筒壁厚的验算 4
2.1.4 液压缸活塞杆的确定及校核 6
2.2 液压缸其它元件的确定 7
2.2.1 缸盖的材料 7
2.2.2 活塞的材料 7
2.2.3 密封圈的选择 7
2.2.4 油口接头的确定 7
第三章摆动缸的选定 9
3.1 连接部分的设计 9
3.2连接部分材料的选定与连接方法 10
第四章支小臂液压缸的确定 11
4.1 支小臂液压缸的摆动角度确定 11
4.2 支小臂缸的受力分析 11
4.3.1 液压缸的活塞杆的确定 12
4.3.2 液压缸内径的确定 12
4.3.3 液压缸缸筒壁厚的计算 13
4.3.4 缸筒壁厚的验算 13
4.3.5 活塞杆的最大行程 15
4.3.6 缸筒与端部焊接 16
4.4 缸盖螺钉的计算 16
4.5液压缸其它元件的确定 17
4.5.1 缸盖的材料 17
4.5.2 活塞的材料 17
4.5.3 密封圈的选择 18
4.5.4 管接头的确定由公式 18
第五章大臂回转缸的设计 19
5.1 回转缸的受力分析及内径的确定 19
5.2 动片螺钉的选择 20
5.3 缸盖螺钉的计算 21
5.4 回转缸的其它元件 22
第六章底座的设计 24
6.1 底座材料及尺寸的选定 24
6.2 底板螺栓的确定 24
6.2.1受翻转力矩的螺栓组连接 25
6.2.2缸盖螺钉的计算 25
第七章液压系统传动方案的确定 27
7.1各液压缸的换向回路 27
7.2 调速方案 27
第八章液压系统原理图 28
总结 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32