摘 要
With the continuous improvement of the pace of highway construction in our country and the acceleration of the highway, highway road maintenance work also gradually pay attention to it, highway guardrail expressway is an integral part of, the cleaning and maintenance is particularly important, because the highway line is too long, traditional manual cleaning efficiency is too low and when in manual operation on workers' life safety also being threatened, so it is necessary to design for instead of manual cleaning device.
This paper analyzes the current research status at home and abroad guardrail cleaning machine expressway, combined with China's current situation of highway guardrail cleaning equipment, design a line with our current highway guardrail standard light highway guardrail cleaning vehicle, the car with a wet dry combination way to clean the fence, and the brush body is equipped with baffle plate in the first stage wet cleaning brush, second brush body adopts cotton brush body to do dry cleaning, compared with the existing double brush wet cleaning vehicle, better cleaning effect of the car, and after cleaning the guardrail surface dryness meets certain requirements, increase the fence is two pollution, and winter can brush body two stage cleaning brush replacement for dry cleaning, especially drought climate more suitable for China's western dust.
Key words:highway barrier cleaning, roller brush, water design, vehicle Layout.

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1.课题研究背景和意义 1
1.2.国内外研究现状综述 1
1.2.2.国内现状 2
1.2.3未来护栏清洗车发展趋势展望 2
第2章 轻型护栏清洗车的总体设计 3
2.1总体设计方案 3
2.2清洗车设计思路流程图 4
第3章 二类底盘的选择 5
3.1底盘及发动机型号的选择 5
3.2动力性校核 7
3.3 本章小结 7
第4章 清洗装置的设计 9
4.1滚刷的设计计算 9
4.1.1工作车速的确定 9
4.1.2前滚刷的设计 10
4.1.3后滚刷的设计 11
4.2滚刷液压系统 11
4.2.1清洗滚刷液压马达的选择 11
4.3清洗装置的结构及尺寸设计 12
4.3.1安装底座的结构设计 13
4.3.2挂架的结构设计 13
4.3.3清洗装置后臂的设计 14
4.3.4清洗装置前臂设计 15
4.4 本章小结 16
第5章 供水系统的设计 18
5.1水路设计总体方案 18
5.2储水箱容积的计算 19
5.2.1水箱尺寸的确定 19
5.2.2入孔的设计 20
5.2.3储水箱的校核 20
5.3水泵的选取 20
5.4水管的选择 21
5.5取力器的选取 22
5.5.1 取力器的校核 22
5.6本章小结 23
第6章 电控系统 24
总 结 25
参考文献 26
附录A 27
致谢 28