摘 要
将已建好的横向桥壳CATIA模型导入到有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench中,对四种典型行驶工况下做静力分析,完成横向桥壳的模态分析,取前六阶固有频率作分析,发现固有频率都高于路面激励频率范围0~50Hz,不会因为路面激励发生共振,设计合理。最后选用正弦载荷加载,对横向桥壳做疲劳寿命分析,最低疲劳寿命为1000万次,高于设计标准要求的50万次,设计合理。
Agricultural Plant Protection Machinery High Ground Gap Axles ,which with high minimum ground clearance ,are designed to improve the passing ability of agricultural plant protection machinery and to avoid injury plants. Because of its irreplaceable role, high ground gap axles are increasingly becoming an integral part of agricultural plant protection machinery.
What is the agricultural plant protection machinery high ground gap axle is firstly introduced.Then the function, form and structure of the front and rear high ground gap axle were selected. According to the axle design manual, the parameters of the main reducer, differential, half shaft, leg shaft, and two-stage reducing gears in the high ground gap axle are selected in turn and the check is completed.
After selecting the parameters, the Computer Aided Design software CATIA is used to complete the three-dimensional modeling of the transmission components and the outer shell of the high ground gap axle. Because of structure, its housing is designed in the form of a multi-hub combination, including a wheel housing, a lateral axle housing,a shoulder housing , a leg housing and a wheel gear cover. Finally,they are conneted by bolts.
The CATIA model of the transversal axle housing has been imported into the finite element analysis software ANSYS Workbench . The static analysis is performed under four typical driving conditions. And the modal analysis of the transversal axle housing is completed in next time. The first six natural frequencies are taken for analysis and found to be higher than the road excitation frequency of 0-50 Hz. Therefore, no resonance would occur and the design is reasonable. Finally, the sinusoidal loading is used to analyze the fatigue life of the transverse axle housing. The minimum fatigue life is 10 million times, which is higher than the 500,000 times required by the design standards. The design is right.
Key Words: high ground gap axle; agricultural plant protection machinery; finite element analysis; design.
⑤总排量:2.544,压缩比 18:1;

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3本文主要内容 3
第2章农用植保机械高地隙桥设计与校核 4
2.1概述 4
2.2高地隙桥结构选型 7
2.2.1高地隙桥功能 7
2.2.2前后高地隙桥形式 7
2.2.3高地隙桥传动部分组成及分析 8
2.3高地隙桥传动部件参数计算与校核 10
2.3.1主减速器参数选择与校核 10
2.3.2差速器参数选择与校核 13
2.3.3半轴参数选择与校核 15
2.3.4支腿轴参数选择与校核 16
2.3.5半轴外端齿轮副参数选择与校核 16
2.3.6轮边齿轮副参数选择与校核 17
2.4农用植保机械高地隙桥模型构建 18
2.4.1高地隙桥传动部件CATIA模型 18
2.4.2高地隙桥桥壳CATIA模型 19
第3章高地隙桥有限元分析 21
3.1高地隙桥壳台架试验 21
3.1.1横向桥壳测试点 21
3.2建立横向桥壳有限元模型 21
3.2.1材料参数 22
3.2.2横向桥壳有限元网格模型 22
3.3横向桥壳有限元分析 23
3.3.1横向桥壳受力分析 23
3.3.2横向桥壳分析结果 27
第4章高地隙桥疲劳寿命分析 35
4.1横向桥壳疲劳寿命分析 35
4.1.1材料的S-N曲线 35
4.1.2疲劳寿命分析结果 36
第5章横向桥壳模态分析 39
第6章结论 41
参考文献 42
附录 44
附录A 高地隙桥CATIA建模截图 44
附录B CAD图纸截图 45
附录C计算程序 50
致 谢 52