This paper starts from the heavy-duty CNC gantry milling machine, uses the principle of pendulum mill, draws on the research status at home and abroad, and gives a design scheme of heavy-duty CNC machining equipment for sheet metal forming, which meets the requirements of basic manufacturing. The entire heavy-duty CNC machining equipment mainly includes the base, gantry, guide rail, three-axis servo feed system and workbench. The focus of this design is on the three-axis feed system. The system is driven by a servo motor. After being decelerated and attenuated by a planetary gear reducer, the ball screw is rotated, which is converted into axial movement of the tool box and the table. The design reference learning kit is designed with a simple tool holder, and a two-way overrunning clutch is also installed on the Z-axis to prevent the Z-axis from slipping due to gravity.
The paper comprehensively expounds the structural form and transmission system of heavy-duty CNC machining equipment. The servo motor and ball screw are selected as the components of the transmission system. The composition and principle of the ball screw pair are explained, and the calculation and verification of important parts are carried out.
Key Words: machine tool; transmission system; ball screw

第1章 绪论 1
1.1背景 1
1.2数控加工技术 1
1.2.1数控机床的结构与原理 1
1.2.2数控机床的分类 2
1.3重型加工设备 3
1.4传统机床 4
1.5重型数控加工设备 4
1.6本章小结 5
第2章 重型数控加工设备传动设计方案 6
2.1设计要求 6
2.2设计理念 6
2.3本章小结 7
第3章 硬导轨的设计 8
3.1导轨设计要求 8
3.2导轨设计 8
3.2.1类型材料选择 8
3.2.2设计导轨截面 9
3.3导轨的润滑与防护 10
3.4本章小结 11
第4章 进给伺服传动系统 12
4.1系统方案设计 12
4.1.1执行元件 13
4.1.2传动机构 13
4.2滚珠丝杆计算选型 14
4.2.1滚珠丝杆导程 14
4.2.2当量载荷 14
4.2.3平均转速 15
4.2.4预计额定动载荷 15
4.2.5选择滚珠丝杠 15
滚珠丝杆轴承的选用 16
4.3伺服电机选型 17
4.4减速器设计选型 18
4.5滚珠丝杆使用与护理 19
4.6伺服进给系统结构图 20
4.7本章小结 20
第5章 机床刀具箱的设计 21
5.1刀具箱的设计要求 21
5.2刀具夹持方案分类 21
5.3刀具夹设计 23
5.3.1筒夹式 23
5.3.2 手动螺丝式 23
5.4主轴的设计 24
第6章 机床床身、龙门架与工作台 25
6.1床身设计 25
6.2 工作台设计 26
第7章 结论 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29