来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16315051 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315051
摘 要
This paper mainly carries out a general scheme design of a miniature ladder fire truck suitable for disaster relief in old communities, as well as the design of the working bucket leveling mechanism and its hydraulic system on the fire truck. The working arm of the miniature ladder fire truck designed is a telescopic arm and the maximum working height is 19 meters. Through the analysis and consideration of various leveling mechanism schemes, the working bucket static hydraulic leveling mechanism and the micro-ladder fire truck are designed. The workbench slewing mechanism is designed to require the revolving arm to be inconvenient and requires the workbench to rotate. The main design content of the thesis includes the following four aspects:
(1) Overall plan design of the miniature ladder fire truck.
(2) The design of hydrostatic leveling mechanism, including the selection of the leveling mechanism scheme, the setting of the hinge point, the calculation of the leveling error check, and the selection of the leveling hydraulic cylinder.
(4) Hydraulic system design of hydrostatic leveling mechanism.
(3) The design of the work bucket swing mechanism, including the drafting of the swing scheme, the structural design of the components such as the swing support arm and the rotary shaft, the selection of the rotary reducer and the structural design of the work bucket.
Key words:miniature ladder fire truck; hydrostatic leveling mechanism; leveling hydraulic system;slewing mechanism
2.1 微型云梯消防车总体结构组成

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 微型云梯消防车研究背景目的及意义 1
1.2 云梯消防车国内外发展现状 1
1.2.1 云梯消防车国内发展现状 1
1.2.2 云梯消防车国外发展现状 2
1.3 课题的研究设计内容 2
第2章 微型云梯消防车总体方案设计 4
2.1 微型云梯消防车总体结构组成 4
2.1.1 汽车底盘 4
2.1.2 副车架 4
2.1.3 取力装置 5
2.1.4 支腿机构 5
2.1.5 变幅机构和梯架机构 6
2.1.6 工作斗调平机构及回转机构 7
2.1.7 整车结构 7
2.2 微型云梯消防车的液压等其它系统概述 8
2.2.1 液压系统 8
2.2.2 电气系统及水路系统 8
2.2.3 安全保险系统 9
2.2.4 操作机构及显示仪表 9
第3章 微型云梯消防车工作斗调平机构设计 10
3.1 工作斗调平机构简介及调平方案拟定 10
3.2 静液压调平机构模型建立及分析 11
3.3 静液压调平机构绞点的布置及调平误差的分析计算 12
3.3.1 调平机构绞点布置 12
3.3.2 调平误差的分析计算 12
3.4 调平油缸的选型 18
3.5 静液压调平机构液压系统油路设计 19
第4章 微型云梯消防车工作斗回转机构设计 21
4.1 回转机构总体方案设计 21
4.2 滚动轴承的选择 22
4.3 蜗轮蜗杆减速机的选择 23
4.4 回转轴的设计 25
4.4.1 回转轴各段的径向及轴向尺寸的设计 25
4.4.2 轴上键及轴与孔配合的选择 26
4.5 轴承盖的设计 26
4.5.1 轴承透盖的设计 26
4.5.2 轴承闷盖的设计 27
4.6 工作斗结构设计 28
第5章 结论 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31