摘 要
关键词:平面闸门 振动传感器 数据采集 三轴加速度传感器
The design of piezoelectric accelerometer and gate virbration testing system
In the water conservancy project, the gate vibration problem has always been the need to consider the security issues.it is necessary to consider a security problem.
The main contents of this paper are the first analysis of the basic principles of vibration measurement, some of the basic knowledge of vibration to do a description, combined with some mathematical expressions on the vibration in-depth analysis. And then the sensor production process and fixed method to do some concise introduction,and the measured vibration signal in the form of displacement, speed, acceleration performance, through a large number of experimental data accumulation, access to sufficient sample function, obtained statistical characteristics of parameters, And then data collection and analysis. This test uses ADXL330 three-axis accelerometer, the sensor chip with 4mm × 4mm × 1.45mm small package, the sensor as a whole waterproof, sealed, compression structure, the use of M6 connector for the sensor output connector form, and finally combined INV306 digital signal processor Constitute the test system. Finally, the data and graphs measured by the experiment are analyzed and discussed the dynamic characteristics of the gate structure and the gate vibration monitoring data.
Keywords: plane gate; virbration sensor; data collection; triaxial accelerometer

目 录
摘要 I
第一章绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 水工平面闸门振动测试意义 1
第二章振动传感器的设计 3
2.1 振动测试的原理 3
2.1.1 振动量 3
2.1.2 周期振动与简谐振动 4
2.1.3 振动参数 4
2.2 振动传感器 5
2.2.1 振动传感器原理和性能指标 5
2.2.2 三轴加速度传感器的结构设计 7
2.2.3 三轴加速度传感器芯片选用 10
2.3 本章小结 12
第三章 振动测试的系统设计 13
3.1 数据采集和信号处理系统 13
3.2 测试系统和内容 14
3.2.1 测试系统 14
3.2.2 测试内容 16
3.3 本章小结 16
第四章测试数据及图形 17
4.1 1#闸门运行工况振动监测分析 17
4.1.1 测点信息 17
4.1.2 振动趋势分析 17
4.2 倒管过程振动监测分析 22
4.2.1 测点信息 22
4.2.2 振动趋势分析 22
4.3 2#闸门大流量时振动监测分析 26
4.3.1 测点信息 26
4.3.2 振动分析 26
4.4 本章小结 28
第五章分析与讨论 29
5.1 闸门结构动态特性分析与讨论 29
5.2 闸门振动监测数据分析与讨论 29
第六章成本核算 30
参考文献 31
附录 33
附录1 B线输水期间振动监测趋势数据 33
附1.1 1#闸门上部振动趋势数据-来水方向(Ch0) 33
附1.2 1#闸门上部振动趋势数据-垂直(Ch8) 34
附1.3 1#闸门上部振动趋势数据-侧向(Ch1) 35
附录2 倒管过程振动监测趋势数据 36
附2.1 1#闸门下部振动趋势数据-来水方向(Ch9) 36
附2.2 1#闸门下部振动趋势数据-垂直(Ch2) 36
附2.3 1#闸门下部振动趋势数据-侧向(Ch10) 37
致谢 38