摘 要
YSZ944H-2.5CD N1100gas water seal cast steel gate valve design.
The subject of this paper is to design the structure and technology of gatevalve.Gate valve is mainly composed of valve body,valve cover,gate plate, stem and other devices.Its structure moves perpendicular to the fluid between aplate-like object similar to gate valve and two valve seats(or single valve seat)with out matching,thus opening or cutting off the flow passage.It is used for opening and closing,and has the function of straight-through of the whole flow passage when fully opened.Gate valves are widely use dinpetroleum,chemical in dustry,electric power,medicine,fire and other in dustries.This article focuses on the design of DN1000 gas water seal gate valve.The gate valve is designed as a soft sealing structure in the form off langeconnection.The valve body and valve seat a dopt threaded valve seat,and the valve cover and bracket a dopt split structure.Foundation of gate valve structural design;This contentis the under standing of gate valve standard,calculation and check of valve body wall thickness,determination of valve body size,calculation of sealing specific pressure,calculation of to taltorque,check of valve stem strength,etc.The gate valve process design mainly focuses on the preparation of manufacturing processs pecifications for the main partssuchas gate plate,valvebody,valveseat,valvecover,valvestem,etc.Keywords:gate valve;Structure and technology;Sealing;Sealing pressureratio.

目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
1 引言 1
2 概述 2
2.1 阀门的分类 2
2.2 闸阀的定义 4
2.3 闸阀的种类 4
2.4 闸阀的密封原理和特点 5
3 闸阀的结构 8
3.1 阀体与阀盖多采用法兰连接 8
3.2 闸板与阀座密封圈 8
4 设计需达到技术要求 10
4.1 阀体 10
4.2 阀盖 10
4.3 闸板 10
4.4 上密封座 10
4.5 填料垫片 10
4.6 阀门技术要求 10
4.7 闸阀的工艺 11
4.8 阀门参数及标准 12
4.9 闸阀的检验与试压 13
5 产品设计初定及阀门技术参数 17
5.1 阀门技术参数 17
5.2 设备结构及功能 17
5.3 作用原理 18
5.4 阀门壳体壁厚的确定 18
6 阀杆扭矩计算 25
6.1 初算阀杆扭矩 25
6.2 阀杆稳定性校核 30
6.3 中口螺栓设计与校核 33
6.4 立柱设计与校核 35
6.5 立柱连接螺栓设计与校核 36
参考文献 40
附录:文中引用相关资料 42
外文资料 54
外文资料翻译 61
致 谢 66