摘 要
关键词:液压支架; 支护; 四连杆机构; 顶梁; 掩护梁;结构设计。
Design of ZFG6600/17/32H Top Coal Caving Hydraulic Support
The comprehensive mechanization of coal mining is the zcceleration coal industrial development of our country , raises labor productivity substantially, realizes the modern a strategic measure of coal industry. Synthesize mechanization not only output big, efficiency has low cost high and can alleviate heavy physical labor and improvement working environment, is the technology of coal industry develop direction. Hydraulic support is one of the comprehensive most important equipment in the mechanization method of coal mining.
Hydraulic support major from some following basically partial compositions: Top beam, screens beam and 4 linkage mechanisms, side fender, base, prop. Design to follow protect performance good, strength is speed high, move rapid, safely reliable etc. principle.
In the design course that the type of supports cover type, the design of canopy and caving shield and props is key. This paper has introduced requirement, type, working principle, characteristic, purpose and the structure of hydraulic support, for screening type hydraulic pressure support have made detailed analysis and introduction, have narrated use and the scheme of this kind of support.
Keywords: hydraulic support; shoring; 4 linkage mechanisms; canopy; caving shield; hydraulic legs or props; structure design.
3.2.1 支架的高度和支架的伸缩比
Hm≥hm+S1(mm) ( 3-1 )
(mm) ( 3-2 )
式中 :

目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的内容和意义 1
1.2 液压支架的应用与研究现状 1
1.3 国内外的发展概况 2
1.4 液压支架的组成 4
1.4.1 放顶煤液压支架适用范围 4
1.4.2 低位放顶煤液压支架主要技术特征 5
1.5 液压支架的机构类型 6
1.6 液压支架的工作原理 7
1.6.1 支架升降和推移 7
1.6.2 支架的承载过程 7
2 液压支架选型 9
2.1 液压支架设计目的、要求 9
2.1.1 设计目的 9
2.1.2 对液压支架的基本要求 9
2.1.3 液压支架必需的基本参数 10
2.2 液压支架的基本架型及支护能力 10
2.2.1 支撑式支架 10
2.2.2 掩护式支架 11
2.2.3 支撑掩护式支架 11
2.2.4 放顶煤液压支架的分类 11
2.3 液压支架架型的选择依据 13
3 液压支架结构参数设计方法和要求 14
3.1 确定液压支架结构参数原则和内容 14
3.2 液压支架主要结构参数和形式的确定 14
3.2.1 支架的高度和支架的伸缩比 14
3.2.2 梁端距和顶梁长度的确定 15
3.2.3 支架间距和宽度的确定 17
3.2.4 支护强度和工作阻力 18
3.3 四连杆机构的确定 19
3.3.1 四连杆机构的作用 19
3.3.2 四连杆机构的几何特征 19
3.3.3 四连杆机构的几何作图法 21
3.3.4 液压支架性能参数的确定 25
3.3.5 各部件结构选择 29
4 液压支架的强度计算 39
4.1 强度条件 39
4.2 液压支架的强度校核 40
4.2.1 前梁强度校核 40
4.2.2 主顶梁强度校核 43
4.2.3 底座强度校核 48
4.2.4 掩护梁的强度校核 52
4.2.5 前、后连杆强度校核及对应销轴 56
5 液压支架的液压系统 60
5.1 立柱和千斤顶 60
5.2 支架液压阀 61
5.3 液压支架的控制方式 62
6 液压支架的调试及保养 64
结 论 66
参考文献 67
外文文献 69
中文译文 74
致 谢 77