来源 资料编号:WK16315260 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315260
关键词:塔身 结构设计 强度 刚度 稳定性
Design of TC6510tower crane tower body
This paper summarizes the development history and trend of tower crane, introduces various types and numbering rules of domestic tower crane, and analyzes and explains the structure of tower crane.
This design referred to crane design specifications and steel structure design specifications, carried out load analysis on the tower body, selected three special working conditions, and checked the tower body.First, the tower body is regarded as a bending member, and the force diagram, shear diagram and bending moment diagram of the tower body are drawn to check the strength and rigidity, and then the overall stability of the tower body and the stability of the abdominal rod are checked.In terms of structural connection, 10.9-class M36 high-strength bolts were selected for the connection of standard joints, and the connection method of the middle side seam of the angular weld was selected for the connection of the abdominal rod.After calculating the bolts and weld strength meet the requirements.
Key Words: Tower body Structural design Strength Stiffness Stability

摘 要 1
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1我国塔式起重机发展概况 1
1.2塔式起重机的编号和分类 1
1.3 塔机现存问题 2
第二章 塔身结构分析 3
2.1 塔机结构分析 3
2.2 塔机相关问题的思考 3
2.3 塔身设计概述 4
第三章 TC6510型塔机塔身设计计算 6
3.1 塔身几何尺寸和材料 6
3.2 确定计算工况 7
3.3回转支承以上塔身受力分析数值汇总 8
3.4 塔身刚性的验算 12
3.4.1工况1 14
3.4.2工况2 15
3.4.3工况3 16
3.5 塔身强度验算 18
3.5.1工况1 19
3.5.2工况2 21
3.5.3工况3 23
3.6 塔身稳定性验算 25
3.6.1塔身整体稳定性 25
3.6.2缀条稳定性 28
3.7 塔身连接部分的计算 30
3.7.1高强度螺栓连接计算 30
3.7.2 标准节腹杆连接焊缝设计计算 34
3.8 经济性分析 35
第四章 总结与展望 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39