来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16315266 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315266
关键词:机构学 凸轮机构 MATLAB 优化设计
The Optimization and Simulation Design of Common Mechamism(Part)——Cam Mechamism
Kinematic of machinery plays an important role in research and innovation of machinery industry in the contemporary society. The further research in kinematic of machinery is beneficial to enhance the efficiency of industrial production and promote the research and development of new mechanical products, which is the driving force for fabrication. Nowadays, automatic production has been popularized and the technology of robot has been applied to wide fields. Therefore, kinematic of machinery needs to be explored in depth so that it could be applied in the increasing advanced industrial products.
With the rapid development of high-tech products, computer software technology has been an essential tool in the research design. MATLAB is a powerful scientific software. This essay is based on the functions of MATLAB and uses theoretical knowledge to make outline of technology. Thus, it could get further progress and draw optimized design result, and then make a stimulation about the characteristics of cam. Finally, this essay will make a combination with the GUIDE function and designing outcomes, and to develop an optimized cam program with good human-computer interaction function.
This essay will make a combination between MATLAB software and the designing principle of cam. What is more, it will give a detailed explanation about the process of optimized designing development.
Keywords: Kinematic of machinery; Cam mechanism; MATLAB; Optimized design

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1机构学的现状与发展 1
1.1.1机构学的概况 1
1.1.2机构学的发展与现状 1
1.1.3机构学的前景 2
1.2MATLAB介绍 3
1.2.1MATLAB基本功能 3
1.2.2MATLAB优化工具箱 3
1.3本课题介绍 4
1.4本文内容安排 4
第二章 凸轮的设计方法 5
2.1凸轮机构简的介及分类 5
2.1.1凸轮机构简介 5
2.1.2凸轮机构的分类 5
2.2图解设计法 7
2.3解析设计法 8
2.4基于MATLAB的优化设计 9
第三章 凸轮机构轮廓的常规设计 11
3.1偏置直动滚子盘形凸轮轮廓设计 12
3.1.1建立数学模型 12
3.1.2M文件及运行结果 12
3.2对心平底盘形凸轮轮廓设计 15
3.2.1建立数学模型 15
3.2.2M文件及运行结果 15
3.3摆动尖底盘形凸轮轮廓设计 17
3.3.1建立数学模型 17
3.3.2M文件及运行结果 18
第四章 凸轮机构优化设计 21
4.1压力角与基圆半径的优化 21
4.2滚子半径的优化 24
4.3平底从动件凸轮轮廓的优化 26
第五章 从动件的运动仿真 30
5.1位移曲线仿真 30
5.2速度曲线仿真 32
5.3加速度曲线仿真 34
第六章 配气机构的三维建模与仿真 37
6.1配气机构的主要零部件的建模 37
6.2配气机构的装配与动态仿真 39
第七章 总结与展望 43
7.1毕业设计经济性分析 43
7.2毕业设计总结 43
7.3毕业设计展望 43
参考文献 45
致谢 47
附录一 偏置直动滚子盘形凸轮机构常规设计M文件 48
附录二 对心平底盘形凸轮机构常规设计M文件 57
附录三 摆动尖底盘形凸轮机构常规设计M文件 63
附录四 偏置直动滚子盘形凸轮机构优化设计M文件 69
附录五 对心平底盘形凸轮机构优化设计M文件 78