来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633229 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633229
摘 要:碾米就是借助旋转的碾辊使米粒与碾白室构件及米粒与米粒之间产生相互碰撞、摩擦及翻滚等运动,通过碾削及摩擦擦离等作用将米粒表皮部分或全部去除,使之成为符合预定质量要求的大米的加工过程。按碾辊材质的不同,碾米机可大致分为砂辊碾米机和铁辊碾米机。与铁辊碾米机相比,砂辊碾米机具有碰撞及翻滚等作用柔和以及碎米率低、电耗低、出米率高和生产效率高等优势。LNF15型砂碾米机采用喷风低温碾米技术,将以其均匀的碾削力,极低的碎米率,流畅的出糠,可靠的性能和极强的适应性,使加工的大米更加光洁完整、增碎率更低、出整率更高、设备成本也有一定程度的降低,不管是单机碾白还是多机连用,都能达到较好的效果,这样就更能满足广大客户的要求,提高了大米加工的综合效益。
Design of LNF15 Sand Roll Whitener
Abstract: Rice Milling is made with the rotary grinding roller let rice and grinding the white room's components or rice and rice produce the collision,friction and rolling.It is by cutting and grinding or friction to remove part or all of a grain of rice epidermal, and then making it meet the intended quality requirements of the processing of rice.By different materials of grinding rollers,rice milling can be broadly divided into the sand roller rice milling and iron roller rice milling.Compared with the iron roller rice milling,the sand roller rice milling has the effect of collisions and rolling and the low broken rice rate,low power consumption,high white rice yield and high production efficiency.LNF15 sand roller rice milling use the technology of jet air cooling to smooth rice,reduce broken rice rate,rise white rice yield and reduce Equipment costs in some extent with it's uniform mill cut ability,lowest broken rice rate,affluent out bran,reliable performance and strong adaptability.Whether it is single milling white or multi-grinding machine used in conjunction,also can achieve good results,so that it will be better to meet the requirements of our customers,improve the overall efficiency of rice processing.
Key words: Rice Milling;LNF Sand Roller Rice Milling; comprehensive benefits
生产率: 600-1000kg/h;
砂辊规格: φ150×400;
转速: 1400 r/min;
配套动力: 11KW;
适用原粮: 糙米。
