来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633244 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633244
本课题是为农业激光杀虫作业而设计的自动扫描机械。它能方面地在田间按照我们所设计的动作快速高效地作业,对减轻劳动人民的劳动强度,改善劳动条件,提高劳动生产率和自动化水平,实现生产自动化发展有着重要作用。本课题通过应用AutoCAD 技术对其进行结构设计和液压传动原理设计,运用Pro/E技术对其进行三维实体造型,使其能将基本的结构更具体的展现在人们面前,它能实行左右移动,上下升降及360度旋转。
关键字 扫描结构 液压传动 回转体
Scanning laser array structure designing destruction
Abstract:This topic is for agricultural laser insecticidal assignments and design of the automatic scanning machine. It can aspects in the design of action in accordance with our homework, quickly and efficiently to reduce labor intensity of the working people, improve working conditions, and improve labor productivity and automation level, and achieve production automation development plays an important role. This topic through the application of its structure AutoCAD technology design and hydraulic transmission design principles, Pro/E technology of three-dimensional modelling, make its basic structure can be more specific. It can execute right movement, movements and 360 °.
Keywords: scanning structure hydraulic transmission back spin
全世界由于虫害造成的农作物损失高达1000亿美元, 为杀灭农田害虫, 以往的化学农药杀虫方法效果并不太理想, 不仅会使害虫产生抗药性,而且对农作物本身和周围环境也会造成污染。扫描式阵列结构激光杀灭器是利用液压缸的伸缩运动和减速箱的回转运动以达到所需要的运动要求,将激光杀灭器安装在长臂上的安装板上即可利用激光对害虫进行照射,以达到快速有效地杀灭害虫的目的。将此机构安装在拖拉机的尾座上不仅运行安全可靠,并且效率高,可大幅度减轻人们的劳动强度,实现农业自动化作业。
1.2.1 原始数据
上下运动范围 100mm
左右运动范围 200mm
旋转范围 360º
