来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633252 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633252
摘 要:水平定向钻机是在不开挖地表面的条件下,铺设多种地下公用设施(管道、电缆等)的一种施工机械,本论文介绍了水平定向钻机的特点,穿越施工工艺介绍,目前国内外水平定向钻发展情况,等方面。主要进行了钻机的推进机构设计,包括传动方式的选择,链条与轴的设计,还有液压缸的结构设计,也包括了一些重要零件如螺栓和键的强度校核和设计。
关键词:水平定向钻 ;板式链;槽轮;滚子链
25 Tons of Horizontal Directional Drilling Promoting Mechanism Design
Abstract :Horizontal directional drilling machine is not digging in the surface conditions, the laying of a variety of underground utilities (pipelines, cables, etc.) of a construction machinery.This thesis introduce the charcterristic of horizontally diretionalt drilling to you ,and how construct through the earth ,also the development of orizontally diretionalt drilling.and so on.In this thesis ,the main task is to design the feed mechanism,the choose of Driving method ,the design of a chain and a shaft ,also design for fatigue strength like bolts and bond.
Key words: horizontally directional drilling ;flat wedge chain ;grooved wheel ;roller chain
