摘 要
本次毕业设计从零件分析入手,确定加工时的切削用量,根据相关公式计算出切削力,选择相应的液压滑台;计算出切削功率,选择动力箱和电动机;计算出切削转矩,选择合适的主轴直径和刀具。根据加工零件要求,绘制出组合机床的“三图一卡”,即被加工零件的加工工序图,加工示意图,组合机床尺寸联系图以及生产率计算卡。根据工件上孔的分布,设计出传动系统图,为检查各个零件间是否发生了干涉,绘制坐标检查图,最后绘制多轴箱总图。为了 保证零件在加工过程中准确定位,应设计一套夹具。
关键词:组合机床 三图一卡 多轴箱 螺旋压紧夹具 PLC CAD
This article detailed introduction makes up the design measure of the lathe .It is a kind of high –efficient special purpose lathe to make up the lathe ,is widely used in the mechanical manufacturing industry . According to the request of task book,to process a serious of holes , which is the tube of machine of dehydration and the diameter is 5. Originally design and stsrt with analysing the processing technology of the part ,determine the cutting quantity while processing ,calculate out the strength of cutting according to relevant formulace , calculate out the power of cutting as choosing the motive force case ,the basis of the electrical machinery ;calculate out and cut the torque,is elected the suitable diameter and cutter of main staft . Require according to processing of part , draw out and make up three pictures first calorie of lathe , Namely process into part process picture , processing sketch map ,lathe get in touch with size picture .and productivity calculate the card .According to the distribution of the hole on the work piece ,design the transmission picture .In order to interfere each other while checking every part ,express the outlines of various kinds of parts with different linear and colours .Draw out many axle case general drawing finally .For guarantee part accurate to confirm location clamp ,should design one retinue jig in processing .According to the actual conditions ,we design the spiral push mechanism of a set of drill .Draws the lathe and gets in touch with the size picture with finally .
According to dehydrates the cylinder wall group hole processing working procedure production request, the batch, the craft characteristic, but also must carry on the jig the design, because the work piece is simple, clamps conveniently, therefore uses the hand gear, uses the lap spiral spinning to clamp the way, about turns on lathe the thread to carry on clamps with the pine opens, in order to enhancement production efficiency.
The electrical system design is the utilization mechanical and electrical transmission knowledge, namely the PLC system carries on the control, the PLC control system has Mitsubishi, the ohm dragon system and so on.
Keywords Combinated-lathe Three picture and one card Many axle cases The spiral push mechanism PLC CAD
1 产品介绍
脱水机筒是工业用脱水机的关键组成部分,脱水机筒的质量优劣,直接关系到脱水机的性能优劣,因此,我们在设计前特地走访了沈阳皇姑区的一家工业脱水机的销售商,并认真听取了介绍。本产品采用不锈钢制,厚度为b=5,高H=400,外圆直径为Ø 1200.
本次设计主要是加工脱水机筒壁的432- Ø5孔,组合机床双向进给加工,每次钻削12- Ø5孔,工作台旋转转位分度,每次5°,粗糙度保证6.3,工作台旋转误差不超过±0.5°,工件定位采取一面和短销定位,限制5个自由度。
