来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636377 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636377
关键词:传动装置 齿轮 轴 设计
Abstract:The shearing machine which has injected vigorous into the development of metallurgical industry is the major equipment of metallurgical industry. With the continuous increase of modernization steel production and varieties, and the developing requirement for high speed ,continuous means of rolling production process, the demand of shearing machine is constantly increasing. So, the transfer device which is regarded as the main parts of shearing equipment is particularly important. It takes the middle position in the flowing process of energy system, provides power for machine, and is always used for delivering the movement and motivation to the actuating mechanism. Considering its basic and independent characteristics, the quality of transfer device directly influences the function of shearing machine. According to the design requirements, this paper finished the design for transfer device through the careful design counting of the gears、axles and other relevant transfer devices and finally achieved the purposes of practice.
Key words:Transmission Gear Shaft Design
目 录
内容摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
1.绪论 2
1.1飞剪机的概述 2
1.2传动装置的概述 3
2.传动方案的确定 3
2.1电动机的选择 4
2.2传动方案的确定 5
2.3传动装置的运动和动力参数 6
3.主要零部件的设计计算与校核 7
3.1减速级齿轮的设计与校核 7
3.2传动级齿轮的计算与校核 12
3.3轴的设计与校核 13
3.4键的选择与校核 23
3.5轴承的选用与校核 24
4.零部件的选取及润滑 26
4.1对离合器性能的要求 26
4.2对制动器性能的要求 26
4.3飞剪机箱体结构 26
4.4飞剪机传动装置的润滑 27
结论 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31