来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1637018 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637018
摘 要
What this design was a section of marching fire robot foundation level carrier, the design content walks the chassis including the design and the four degrees-of-freedom arms as well as has made the concrete analysis to robot's partial stress situation. Trial manufacturing overall robot structure. In the design trial manufacturing process, the unceasing observation analyzes other robot's structure, absorbs the predecessor to experience, carries on the plan quite to designate. And goes down to the factory to process one to carry on the study, brings to completion the processing technique of manufacture, avoids stepping onto only pauses the written design to be separated from the actual manufacture the tortuous path.
This graduation project's key point lies in robot's trial manufacturing research work, because the robot whole's design difficulty is big, the material and the organization accuracy requirement is high, this trial manufacturing product has not been able to take the mature product to carry on adds the manufacture, can only do for the guidance prototype supplies the reference.
Key words: Robot; Caterpillar band chassis; Mechanical arm; Control circuit
2.3 机械手的设计
2.3.1 机械手主要组成:
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1 项目概述 5
1.2 目的及意义 5
1.3 国内外发展概况 6
1.4 主要研究内容 10
第二章 方案比较与方案选择 11
2.1 行走机构方案比较 11
2.2 手臂机构方案比较 12
2.2.1 蠕动式机械臂 12
2.2.2 沿X、Y、Z坐标轴直线移动机械臂 12
2.2.3 仿人类手臂式机械臂 13
2.3 机械手的设计 13
2.3.1 机械手主要组成: 13
2.3.2 手部总体确定: 14
2.3.3 手指式手部的类型 14
2.3.4 手部要求: 14
2.3.5 设计时应注意的问题 14
2.3.6 手指夹紧力的计算 15
2.4 驱动力的计算 15
2.5 手臂的设计 16
2.5.1 设计时注意的问题 16
2.5.2 动力的计算 16
第三章 整体机构设计 18
3.1 爬楼梯的力学原理 18
3.2 回转盘机 18
3.2.1构设计机电动机选择 18
3.3 履带驱动轮机构设计机电动机选择 19
3.4部分校核 主要参数计算方法及强度校核 20
3.4.1轮齿传动 20
3.4.2蜗杆传动 23
3.4.3螺纹连接 31
3.5本章小结 37
第四章 控制电路及控制器设计 40
4.1控制电路设计 40
4.2 开关元件选用 42
4.3 控制器设计 42
4.4 本章小结 42
第五章 设计总结 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 47