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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638018 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638018


关键词:有限元, 高速切削,  应力,数值模拟,应力场

High-speed cutting as much more cutting speed, and can greatly increase the material removal rate, which greatly improve productivity. High-speed cutting reduce the amount of force, cutting surface quality and delivery to the amount of heat, keep up with the vibration and has the advantages of, High-speed cutting through a simulation technology can save a lot of knives and the material consumption and more in-depth research high-speed cutting the administration and optimize the technological process of the technical advantages of high-speed cutting, High-speed cutting processes is a very complicated process of nonlinear distortion, traditional research method is very difficult to cutting mechanism in quantitative analysis. Use of computers for a systematic study element emulation, and their continuity and Continuation of advantages can be well also for many of the experimental method cannot be won or may not be able to obtain the information will be able to reproduce high-speed cutting amount of stress and strain process of change.
Ansys software applications built with the complex cross-section geometry properties and complex conditions, the metal blade can turn one's three- dimensional entity model, can avoid using the law of the simplified models, mechanical errors are too large. the ansys software, the displacement field or stress analysis tool, calculate the maximum displacement, stress, the contour line appear three-dimensional (), the contour line on the displacement (face).
Keywords:FEA, High-speed cutting ,numerical simulation, stress field   




摘要    2
Abstract    3
第1 章 综述    6
1.1 引言    6
1.2  高速切削加工的历史与现状    7
1.3  研究高速切削加工中应力场的意义和方法    7
1.3.1研究的意义    8
1.3.2切削加工过程有限元分析的发展    8
1.3.3研究高速切削应力场的方法    10
1.4课题研究的主要工作内容    11
第二章  ANSYS    13
2.1  ANSYS介绍    13
2.2  ANSYS软件组成    13
2.3  ANSYS 提供的分析类型    13
2.4  ANSYS 有限元软件应力分析过程    14
第三章  金属切削过程变形和应力场理论    16
3.1  金属切削变形理论    16
3.1.1 金属切削过程概述    16
3.1.2  应力分析    17
3.1.3  应变分析    19
3.2  弹塑性变形理论    20
3.2.1 相关的弹塑性变形理论    22
3.2.2 ANSYS 程序塑性选项    28
3.3刀具/工件切削区的摩擦    30
第四章 高速切削加工中应力场的有限元分析及仿真    31
4.1  金属切削过程应力场的有限元建模    31
4.1.1弹性阶段的数学模型建立    31
4.1.2单元应力与节点位移    35
4.2材料的选取和建立有限元模型    35
4.2.1材料的选取    35
4.2.2建立有限元模型    36
4.3加载求解    44
4.3.1指定分析类型    44
4.3.2加载    45
4.3.3求解计算    45
4.4进入通用后处理器查看结果    45
4.4.1图形显示变形结果    45
4.4.2图形显示应力应变结果    46
4.4.3改变载荷再次求解    55
4.4.4根据分析制作切削加工关系图    63
4.5结果分析    64
第五章 结论    65
致谢    66
参考文献    67
附录    68
附录一模拟加工命令流程    68
附录二 英文文献原文    73
附录三:英文文献翻译    78
附录四:任务书    83
附录五:开题报告    87
