摘 要
S195G -01006 cleaning equipment is a special cleaning machine for the mass-produced diesel engine bodies of S 195G -01006 at room temperature before they are sent into stock after they come out of the production lines with the machining finished. High-pressure spraying cleaning method is applied in this hydraulic stepping, continuous-working and multiple-step cleaning machine tool. It is composed of tool rack, conveying mechanism, water tank, washing liquid delivery system, water spray cleaning system, gas-ejecting drying system, hydraulic system and electrical control system. After the diesel engine body is placed into the cleaning machine from the input port, the diesel engine body will be sent along the stepping conveying mechanism to be cleaned and dried step by step as programmed by PLC program control system. After the fixed-point and aligned cleaning and drying are finished, the engine body will be sent out automatically. The whole procedures of input, cleaning,drying and output are complete automatization. As production-line cleaning mode is made use of, the cleaning efficiency of this cleaning machine is great; And because the cleaning is done at fixed points and is aligned with the engine body, the cleaning quality is high and the cleaning effect is good. With the PC control system applied, the whole operation realizes automatization. Hence, the cleaning task is accomplished safely and highly efficiently. Besides, the operation and maintenance of this cleaning machine are very convenient.
Key words: S195G engine block;washing machines;high pressure water cleaning;hydraulic Step-by-step transfer agencies
(2)清洗工艺流程:上料→空位→清洗→空位→吹干→下料,每步跨距 580机身长度约3500;

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 清洗机技术现状和发展趋势 1
1.3 课题的主要内容 2
2 清洗机设计方案论证 3
2.1 机体零件的清洗特点 3
2.2 机床总方案 3
2.4 液压系统方案确定 5
2.5 控制系统方案确定 6
3 清洗机主要参数的分析与计算 7
3.1 设计技术参数 7
3.2 机械系统主要计算 7
4 清洗机床的设计 11
4.1 机械系统的设计 11
4.1.1 清洗机床的总体设计 11
4.1.2 机架的设计 15
4.1.3 水箱的设计 16
4.1.4 输送滚道与机构的设计 19
4.1.5 升降喷水吹风系统的设计 21
4.1.6 排渣机的设计 25
4.2 液压系统的设计 26
4.2.1 液压系统原理图设计 27
4.2.2 液压系统管道图设计 27
4.3 控制系统的设计 28
5 结论与展望 29
5.1结论 29
5.2不足之处及未来展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31