摘 要
关键字:旋风铣 超声 螺纹 变幅杆
Rotary ultrasonic machining is a hybrid machining process which combines thematerial removal mechanisms of conventional ultrasonic machining (CUSM) and diamondgrinding. It is not limited by the electrical or chemical characteristics of the workpiecematerials. Thus it has been proved to be a promising and cost-effective machining methodfor hard and brittle materials, such as engineering ceramic, glass, stone, which has beenwidely used in many fields such as electronics, metallurgy, chemistry industry, machine,energy power, aviation and space flight.
Effect of ultrasonic machining process is very significant, domestic and abroad constantly ultrasonic machining processing methods combined with general application and achieved good results. Ultrasonic machining has good surface quality, does not produce surface burns and surface modification layer. We propose to ultrasound processing and integration to process Whirling threads, in general whirlwind milling devices based on the structure of improvement, and ultrasonic devices to form a new compound technology and equipment, and is still supporting the use of ordinary tools ,flexibility of installation and use is also very good. So that, the improved ultrasound equipment can make up ordinary Whirling cold cutting low, particularly suitable for processing hard and brittle materials such as hard processing, significantly improving the quality of thread processing.
Keyword:Whirlwind milling Ultrasound Screw thread
ultrasonic horn

前 言 1
1 绪论 3
1.1本课题来源及研究意义 3
1.2 课题目前研究现状 4
2 超声加工及旋风铣的基本介绍 7
2.1超声波及其特性 7
2.2超声加工基本原理 9
2.3 旋风铣加工的基本介绍 12
2.3.2旋风铣削加工螺纹的特点 14
2.3.3 旋风铣削装置介绍 15
2.4 典型螺纹类工件的加工情况 17
3 超声旋风铣加工工艺 22
3.1 普通蜗杆方法加工的工艺 22
3.1.1 零件工艺性分析 22
3.1.2 毛坯选择 23
3.1.3 设计毛坯图 25
3.1.4机械工艺路线确定 26
3.1.5 定位基准的选择 28
3.1.6 设备及其工艺装备确定 28
3.1.7 车切削用量、工时定额确定 29
3.2按旋风铣削加工方法进行的蜗杆加工 32
4 超声加工装置设计 34
4.1 超声加工装置的主要组成 34
4.1.1 超声波发生器 34
4.1.2 超声换能器 36
4.2 超声振动系统设计 38
4.3 超声变幅杆的设计 39
4.3.1 超声变幅杆 39
4.3.2变幅杆材料的选择 42
4.3.3 变幅杆参数的设计 43
4 4 1 变幅杆与换能器的连接与固定 52
4.4 2 变幅杆的固定 53
5 装置的设计与选用 55
5.1 电动机的选择 55
5.2 V带传动设计 56
5.3 花键轴的设计 58
5.5 各装置设计 60
5.5.1刀体和刀头设计 60
5.5.2 超声加工主轴设计 61
5.5.3 旋风铣装置整体设计 62
5.5.4安装于机床后示意图 63
致谢 64
参考文献 65