摘 要
Bearing is the most basic components in all kinds of the mechanical equipment, for its accuracy, performance, life and reliability plays a very important role of the host's accuracy, performance, life and reliability. Bearing is a high precision product in the mechanical products, not only its needs a comprehensive support for math, physics and other disciplines theory, but also needs the material science, heat treatment technology, precision machining and measuring technology, numerical control technology and numerical method is effective and powerful computer technology and other disciplines to serve its, so the bearing is the products that represents of the national scientific and technological strength. Along with the automation level of continuous improvement, the level of industrial production increasing, application field of bearing has been widely in many industries, it directly affects the quality of the work performance of machine tools, and its precision directly affects the performance of the whole device is good or bad. there are 30 percent of faculties in the rotating mechanism to be relative to bearings. so we must strictly check the qualities of bearings before they are sold .At the present in the bearing detection project, Bearing clearance detection, inner diameter measurement and vibration detection project, is an important indicator of the quality of the bearing.Weather the bearing is qualified or not,it will directly affect the bearing performance. Detection of the existing bearing tester is generally only for a single project, low detection efficiency is not convenient. In order to meet the requirements of bearing safety detection, developing a detection for higb detecting efficiency ,and the basic realization of automatic bearing detection project becomes more and more important.
Key words: bearing; automation; measurement; system equipment
① 熟悉轴承检测装置的发展历程,特别是近十几年来国内外的发展状况,及应用的主要原理依据等;
② 较好的结合机械理论知识、自动化控制的硬、软件知识;
③ 达到技术指标所要求,满足实际工作需要,安全、可靠、工作稳定、测量精度准确的要求;
④ 熟练掌握并灵活运用UG软件完成三维绘图工作;
⑤ 完成轴承检测装置的装配图设计(三维及工程图纸);
① 借阅相关书籍杂志,利用图书馆及网络资源查阅资料。
② 三维建模、拟定方案进行可行性分析设计。

目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 2
2 轴承检测装置的分类及发展 3
2.1 概述 3
2.2 轴承仪器的分类和发展方向 3
2.2.1 轴承仪器的分类及特点 3
2.2.2 轴承仪器的发展方向 4
2.3 检测方法的研究 4
3 轴承的检测 5
3.1 轴承的基本结构 5
3.2 轴承的类型及特点 6
3.3 轴承检测的内容和检测条件 6
3.3.1 轴承检测的标准 6
3.3.2 轴承检测的内容和检测条件 6
4 轴承的振动检测 8
4.1 研究背景 8
4.2 轴承振动自动检测的工作原理 8
4.3 系统组成及功能 10
4.4 振动信号的采集方案设计 12
4.5 数据预处理 13
4.6 幅值域参数计算 13
5 轴承游隙的检测 14
5.1 轴承径向游隙检测装置的设计 14
5.1.1 游隙 14
5.1.2 径向游隙的设计原理 14
5.2 轴承径向游隙的动态游隙的测量计算 15
5.3 校核轴承游隙计算关系 16
6 轴承内径检测装置的设计 18
6.1 轴承内径在线检测装置的设计 18
6.2 轴承内径检测装置的测量原理 18
6.2.1 内径测量方法的研究 18
6.2.2 内径测量的设计机理 19
6.3 轴承内径检测系统精度的确定 20
7 传动装置的结构设计 21
7.1 电动机的选择 21
7.2 传动比的分配 21
7.3 传动带的选择 22
7.3.1 带传动的类型 22
7.3.2 带传动的特点及应用 22
7.3.3 V带的材料和结构 22
7.3.4 V带的设计计算 23
8 齿轮传动 24
8.1 齿轮概述 24
8.2 齿轮类型的选择及齿数的计算 25
8.2.1 按齿面接触强度设计 25
8.2.2 计算各参数 26
8.2.3 按齿根弯曲强度设计 27
8.2.4 齿轮的几何尺寸计算 28
8.2.5 齿轮的结构设计 29
9 轴 30
9.1 最小轴径的估算 30
9.2 轴的强度和刚度校核计算 30
10 轴承、联轴器的选择 33
10.1 轴承的选择 33
10.2 联轴器的选择 33
11 结论与展望 35
11.1 结论 35
11.2 不足之处及未来展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37