摘 要
关键字: 灌装;番茄;机械化
Liquid material (or liquid) device into containers called filling machine and filling equipment. The liquid material according to the weight can be poured into containers such as oil, wine, fruit juice, milk, soy sauce, ink, syrup, pesticide; others need the help of outside pressure can be poured into containers, such as tomato sauce, minced meat, toothpaste, balsam. For low viscosity liquid material, according to whether the dissolved carbon dioxide gas into gas and free gas two. With the gas liquid, habits, non-alcoholic ingredients, such as Coca Cola, soft drinks, mineral water, known as soft drinks, and alcohol component is divided into such as beer, champagne, sparkling wine, called hard drinks. Liquid packaging container glass bottles, metal irrigation, and a variety of cup, made of plastic or flexible composite tubes, bottles, bags etc.. In China is still widely used in glass bottles of various liquid materials. This is because, glass raw materials rich in resources, low cost, good chemical stability, long storage period, non-toxic, easy to clean, recyclable use, especially suitable for luxury goods packaging. But its main drawback is heavy, high crushing rate, inconvenient transportation. Therefore, in the future to develop light weight and liquid soft package. The use of aluminium two cans and aluminum bottle can effectively overcome the shortcomings of glass bottles, but its complicated manufacturing process, high cost, the temporarily difficult to spread quickly. As for the plastic containers, such as bottles for PVC, vinyl chloride monomer containing toxic, should not be used for food packaging containers, and polyethylene or polypropylene containers for its gas resistance is poor, not filling gas and easy oxidation liquid. Today, is committed to the development of new packaging materials, such as polyester bottle, bottle, co-extrusion composite packaging box.
The filling mechanical method not only can improve labor productivity, reduce product loss, ensure mutual pollution packing quality but also reduce the production environment and is filling the liquid material.
Keywords: tomato; paste ;machine

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题研究的内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 2
1.3本课题应达到的要求 3
2 总体方案设计 4
2.1 主要组成结构 4
2.2 主要技术参数 5
2.3 工作原理与工作过程概述 5
2.3.1 稠厚物料灌装机的工作原理 5
2.3.2 稠厚物料灌装机的主要工作过程 8
3 灌装和基本参数计算 11
3.1 灌装 11
3.2 灌装机的总体结构 11
3.1.1 灌装方法 11
3.1.2 定量方法 13
3.1.3 灌装机基本参数计算 13
3.1.4阀端孔口流量计算 16
4 关键零部件 18
4.1阀门的启闭形式 18
4.2 活塞行程调节装置 22
5、灌装机密封、清洗、润滑 24
5.1灌装机的密封 24
5.2关键零部件的密封 24
5.3灌装机的清洗 24
5.4 灌装机的润滑 25
6 结论与展望 27
6.1 结论 27
6.2 不足之处及未来展望 27
致谢 29
参考文献 30
附录 31