摘 要
First wash to press a size accuracy for proceeds analysis, analyzing that spare parts to get to use the general accuracy to then satisfy the request of the spare parts accuracy, again from the spare parts's shape, size the mark note and produced the batch quantity etc. The circumstance to see, choose to hurtle the bore the project. Hurtle the compound mold inside of of bore in this design, not only want the consideration to make do to can satisfy the usage request, and still want the service life of the assurance molding tool. Should wash to cut the molding tool to return to in detail described the molding tool the type spare parts include the choice for craft for design for, cave template, convex template, convex mold fixing the plank, convex and cave mold fixing plank, ascending mold, next mold, unloading the plank, mold the handle waiting, important spare parts counting and calculation of last mold, and release the organization and design of construction other the process, and among them and inside also included: The craft analyzes, and the craft project really settle, calculation semi- finished product the size, painting row kind the diagram, calculation to wash the pressure, pressure machine of choice, calculation pressure center, design for total construction for choice for convex and cave mold cleft for circle Cape for calculation for semi- finished product size for calculation for size, craft the calculation washing cutting first piece calculation, wash the pressuring, convex mold and cave mold radius, washing cutting the mold the inside convexly, work size of cave mold, washing pressing the equipments, molding tool, main zero parts and choice of convex and cave mold blade,the molding tool manufacturing assemble the important point etc.
Key Words:Compound mold;Mold design;Punching;Blanking;Nesting

目 录
目 录 4
前言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 概述 2
1.2 冲压技术的进步 2
1.3 模具的发展与现状 3
1.4 模具CAD/CAE/CAM技术 4
1.5 课题的主要特点及意义 5
第二章 冲压工艺分析与计算 6
2.1 冲裁件及其技术要求 6
2.2 零件结构工艺分析 7
2.3 冲裁件的排样 9
2.3.1排样方法的确定 9
2.3.2搭边值的确定 9
2.3.3排样方案的选择 10
2.3.4确定条料步距和宽度 11
2.3.5计算条料利用率 12
2.3.6画出排样图 12
第三章 模具方案设计与计算 14
3.1模具方案设计 14
3.2 模具拉伸尺寸计算 14
3.2.1冲压拉伸0.5MM 14
3.2.2外轮廓的拉伸 16
3.2.3其它尺寸的计算 17
3.3冲压力计算 19
3.3.1冲压拉伸切口力F1 19
3.3.2拉伸力F2 19
3.3.3卸料力FX 19
3.3.4推件力FT 20
3.3.5总压力FZ 20
3.4初选冲压设备 22
3.5确定模具的压力中心 22
3.6凸模结构设计 24
3.6.1冲压拉伸凸模设计 24
3.6.2冲头设计 24
3.7凹模结构设计 26
3.8凸凹模结构设计 27
第四章 模具的结构与原理 29
4.1模具各零件名称及材料 29
4.2模具结构介绍 29
4.3总装图 29
第五章 模具的装配 31
5.1冷冲模装配的技术要求 31
5.2 冲模装配的工艺要点 33
5.3 冲模装配顺序的确定 34
5.3.1组件装配 34
5.3.2下模装配 34
5.3.3上模装配 34
5.3.4其他零部件组装 35
5.4 冲模的调试 36
第七章 结论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39