来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636370 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636370
摘 要: 近几年国家振兴机械行业,与机械相关的各个行业都越来越重视CAD/CAM技术,不仅是因为CAD/CAM技术已发展成为一项比较成熟的共性技术,同时还因为塑料制品及模具的3D设计与成型过程中3D分析正在塑料模具工业中发挥越来越重要的作用。在本次毕业设计中,通过CAD绘制了模具装配图以及各种成型零件图。这是第一次利用绘图软件对整套模具进行设计,对所学知识进行了全面巩固,意义重大!
关键词: 壳体;注塑模;实体造型;模具;模架;AutoCAD(CAD)
Soap box of injection mold design and manufacturing
Abstract: Over the past few years the country vitalizes machinery industry, each industry that related with mechanics is all paying more and more attention to the CAD/CAM technology. That is not only because CAD/CAM technology has already been developed into one ripe generality technology, but also because 3D design of Plastics piece make and mould and 3D analysis of molding process plays a more and more important role in plastics mould industry. In the graduation project, has drawn up the mold assembly drawing as well as each kind of Molding Parts drawing using CAD . This is that the first time makes use of the software drawing to carry out design on package mould , have carried out all-round consolidation on what be learned knowledge,The significance is significant!
Keywords: Shell; Plastics injection mold;solid mold;mold;mold fram

前言 1
第一章 肥皂盒设计及其成型工艺的分析 2
1.1 塑件分析 2
1.2 塑料的选材及性能分析 2
1.3 ABS塑料的注射过程及工艺 4
1.4 ABS的主要缺陷及消除措施 5
第二章 肥皂盒模具设计方案 7
2.1 分型面方案的优化确定 7
2.2 型腔数量以及排列方式的确定 8
第三章 模具设计与对比创新 9
3.1 注塑机选型 9
3.2 模具浇注系统设计和浇口的设计 11
3.3 成型零件工作尺寸的设计和计算 14
3.4 模架的确定和标准件的选用 17
3.5 合模导向机构和定位机构 18
3.6 脱模推出机构的设计 20
3.7 排气系统设计 22
3.8 冷却系统的优化设计 22
第四章 模具装配 25
4.1 塑料模具装配的技术要求 25
4.2塑料模具装配过程 25
第五章 模具工作过程 28
总 结 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31