Blanking deep drawing composite mold
摘 要
该模具设计的材料厚度比较薄只有1mm,拉深的高度也不是很高,可以一次拉深成功。精度也不算很高,一般都是在 级之间。在拉深成形没有达到我们所需要的工件时,可以再在后面加上整形这样一道工序来保证得到我们需要的模具。
关键词:复合模; 落料; 拉深; 装配图
According to the requirements of the parts design size, material requirements and mass production requirements, after the analysis technology of good components, then making process plan. Again through the process calculation to determine the mold design process. Mold processing technology has become one important development direction of advanced manufacturing technology, such as in the car now, are widely used in aviation, etc. But the mold cost of production is also directly affect the product cost and economic benefit of the enterprise.
The mould design only 1 mm material thickness is thin, the height of the deep drawing is not very high, can be a successful deep drawing. Accuracy is not high, are generally level in between. Not of what we need in deep drawing workpiece, can add a plastic again behind such procedure to ensure that we need to mold.
Stamping technology at home and abroad have already become a kind of metal forming process with the more mature, all kinds of sheet metal parts are processed with this method. Its advantages are: high efficiency, light weight, good accuracy, low cost, and has the advantages of automation and mechanization. In the design, main consideration of cylindrical parts blanking and drawing of the molding process. Finally chose blanking deep drawing die for this.
Key words: Composite molding; Blanking; Drawing; Assembly drawing

目 录
绪 论 1
1.产品要求 3
1.2 分析计算确定工艺方案 3
1.2.1冲裁件的工艺性分析 3
1.2.2拉深的工艺性分析 3
1.2.3盖体的工艺分析 3
1.2.4.冲压件的经济成本分析 4
1.3、制定工艺方案 4
1.3.1 方案选定 4
1.3.2修边余量 4
1.3.3 计算毛坯尺寸 4
1.3.4 计算拉深次数 5
1.4 主要工艺参数的计算 5
1.4.1 确定排样、裁板方案 5
2.模具有关计算 7
2.1 计算工艺力,选设备 7
2.2 模具工作部分尺寸计算 8
3. 模具总体及零件设计 9
3.1 模具总体设计 9
3.2模具零件尺寸计算 10
3.2.1凹模厚度的计算: 10
3.2.2拉深凸模长度的计算: 10
3.2.3凸凹模的长度 10
3.3 模架及零件的选择 10
3.4 标准零件的选择 12
3.5 冷冲压工艺规程卡片 13
4.模具零件的结构设计 14
4.1 落料凹模设计 14
4.2 拉深凸模设计 14
4.3 凸凹模设计 15
4.4 刚性卸料板设计 16
4.5 凸凹模垫板设计 16
4.6 压边圈设计 17
4.7 模柄设计 18
4.8 导柱、导套设计 18
4.9 打料块设计 19
4.10 上模座设计 20
4.11 下模座设计 20
5. 总装配图 22
5.1模具的装配 23
5.2模具总装 23
结 语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26