摘 要
关键词: 水盆注塑;浇注系统;分型面
The paper discusses the design of the basic principle of water injection mold injection molding. In addition, according to the original plastic, pouring system, cooling system and the introduction of these institutions have been designed. Mechanism and reset mechanism for forming parts and plastic parts are designed. In addition, the material selection, heat treatment and machining process of each part are analyzed and determined. In accordance with the shape of plastic parts, size, I designed a reasonable mold structure, the quality of plastic parts, volume, the effective calculation, to verify whether the injection molding machine to meet the use requirements. For the height of the die, the size, the maximum height of the mold, the parameters of the injection molding machine are verified, and the reasonable selection of injection molding machine. After the injection of the parameters of the precision of the check. In the process of design, we should reduce the manufacturing cost of the mold as much as possible, and can not damage the appearance of the mold, so that it can achieve both practical and economic efficiency. Now, plastic products, more and more by the majority of users, because of its good performance, so that plastic products into all areas of life.
Keywords: water injection; gating system; parting surface

目 录
1 绪 论 1
2 塑件的综合性分析 2
2.1 塑件的几何形状分析: 2
2.2 塑料原材料成型特性分析 3
2.3 塑件的原结构分析 4
2.3.1 塑件的主要尺寸见图 4
2.3.2 塑件的表面质量综合分析 4
2.3.3 塑件的结构工艺性综合分析 4
2.4 生活中塑件的生产批量 4
2.5 注塑设备的选择 5
2.5.1 塑件本身的体积计算 5
2.5.2 根据塑件的几何形状和生产批量来确定型腔数目 5
2.5.3 确定注射机注射成型的基本工艺参数 5
2.5.4 确定本模具的温度及注射机内冷却方式 6
2.6 注射机的初步选择 6
3浇注系统的设计 8
3.1 选择正确的分型面 8
3.2 进行浇注系统的合理设计 10
3.3 主流道的设计和定位圈的设计 10
3.4 浇口的合理设计 12
3.5 冷料穴的和合里设计 12
4模具设计方案的设计 14
4.1 确定塑件成型零件的基本结构 14
4.1.1 凹模(型腔)的设计 14
4.1.2 凸模(型芯)设计 14
4.2 导向定位机构的合理设计 14
4.3 推出机构的合理设计 15
4.3.1 推出机构的设计原则为: 15
4.3.2 推杆位置的合理选择 15
5 主要零部件的设计计算 17
5.1 确定成型零件的尺寸 17
6 注射机成型设备的校核计算 18
6.1 注射机最大注射压力的校核 18
6.2 注射机最大注射量的校核 18
6.3 注射机所需锁模力的校核 19
6.4 注射机最大开模型程的校核 19
7绘制模具的三维和二维装配图 21
8结论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25