来源 资料编号:WK16310838 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310838
Plastic model design for mobile phone shell
摘 要
The development of manufacturing industry and computer software and hardware, the mold has obtained the rapid development and the widespread utilization, therefore has the significant theory significance and the practical value to all kinds of plastic product mold design. Discusses in detail used in the design process of injection mold of thermoplastic molding process of plastic parts, including plastic molding process, surface selection and demonstration, design of gating system, forming parts size calculation, insert the installation, demoulding mechanism, launch structure is introduced, the cooling system and the exhaust system design. Illustrates the forming method for injection molding, choose the merit of gating system putter launched method introduced parts, and a set of standard mould base A1 forming efficiency.
Keywords: mould; plastic products; plastic molding process

目 录
绪 论 1
1. 零件材料选择及性能 4
1.1 塑件原材料分析 4
1.1.1 ABS主要技术指标 4
1.1.2 ABS基本特征 4
1.2 注塑工艺及模具条件 5
2. 注射机的选择 7
2.1 注射量确定 7
2.2. 锁模力确定 7
2.3 成型压力 8
3. 标准模架的选择 9
3.1 模架尺寸选择 9
3.2 模具闭合的高度校核 9
4. 浇注系统设计 10
4.1 浇注系统的设计原则 10
4.2 主流道的设计 10
4.3 分流道的设计 10
4.4 浇口形式 11
4.4.1浇口形式选择有以下原则 11
4.4.2侧浇口的优势 11
4.4.3侧浇口的缺陷 11
5. 成型零部件设计 12
5.1 型腔分型面设计 12
5.2排气槽的设计 12
5.2.1 排气系统的作用与方式 12
5.2.2 排气系统的设置 12
5.3成型零件设计 13
5.3.1 凹模结构设计 13
5.3.2 型芯结构设计 13
5.3.3 成型零件工作尺寸 13
6. 脱模机构设计 17
6.1脱模力的计算 17
6.2 推杆的设计: 18
7. 侧向分型与抽芯机构设计 20
7.1斜导柱 20
7.2导柱的角度 20
8. 导向机构的设计 22
9. 塑模温控系统设计 23
9.1冷却装置系统的设计要点: 23
9.2冷却系统的计算: 23
结 论 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27