Extrusion compound die blanking
摘 要
根据零件的设计尺寸要求、材料要求以及批量生产等要求,在分析好零件的工艺性之后,再制定工艺方案。再通过工艺计算来确定此模具的设计流程。模具加工工艺已经成为重要发展方向中的一项先进的制造工艺,如现在在汽车,航空等方面都是在广泛的应用。但是模具的制造成本也是直接影响到制件成本和企业的经济效益。该模具设计的材料厚度比较薄只有1mm,拉深的高度也不是很高,可以二次弯曲成功。精度也不算很高,一般都是在IT11-14级之间。在拉深成形没有达到我们所需要的工件时,可以再在后面加上整形这样一道工序来保证得到我们需要的模具。冲压成形技术早已经成为国内外比较成熟的一种金属成型加工工序,各种板料零件都是用该方法加工的。其的优点有:高效率、 轻重量、 精度好、成本低,而且还有自动化和机械化等优点。在本次设计中,主要考虑筒形零件的落料冲孔以及拉深的成型工艺。最终将落料冲孔再拉深,翻边作为本零件的主要成形工艺。
关键词:复合模;落料;冲孔;拉深; 翻边
According to parts of the design requirements of size, material requirements and production requirements, technology is good, after analyzing the parts, and then develop technology program. And then to determine the mold design process by process calculation. Mold processing technology has become an important development direction of advanced manufacturing processes, such as are now widely used in the automotive, aviation and so on. However, the manufacturing cost of the mold parts is also a direct impact on the cost and economic efficiency of enterprises. The mold design and material thickness is thin and only 1mm, drawing the height is not very high, you can bend the secondary success. Accuracy is not too high, generally between IT11-14 level. In deep drawing the work did not meet what we need, we can then followed by the shaping of such a process to ensure that we get the required mold. Stamping technology has already become more mature at home and abroad of a metal forming process, a variety of sheet metal parts are processed by this method. Its advantages are: high efficiency, light weight, good accuracy, low cost, but also the advantages of automation and mechanization. In this design, the main consideration blanking punching a cylindrical part and a curved molding process. Eventually blanking punching and then bending a part of the main forming process.
Keywords: composite mold; blanking; punching; bending;

目 录
绪 论 1
1 冲压的工艺设计及冲压力的计算 3
1.1冲压件(防尘圆端盖)简介 3
1.2确定冲压方案 3
1.3工件的毛坯尺寸计算 4
1.4确定其搭边值 5
1.5确定排样图 5
1.5.1利用率的计算 5
1.5.2排样图 5
1.6计算各工序冲压力 5
2 模具的设计 7
2.1刃口尺寸的计算 7
2.1.1尺寸计算原则 7
2.1.2尺寸分类 7
2.1.3凸、凹模尺寸计算 7
2.2确定冲模工作部件 9
2.2.1计算和校核凸模 9
2.2.2凹模相关计算 11
2.2.3凸凹模的计算和校核 14
3 模具结构零件设计 15
3.1确定模具的结构形式 15
3.1.2选择定位的方式 15
3.1.4选择导向形式 15
3.2冲模零件的设计 15
3.2.1导向零件的设计 15
3.2.2卸料装置 16
3.2.3承料装置 17
3.2.4挡料和导正部件 17
3.2.5定位装置 18
3.2.6出件装置 18
3.2.7固定板 19
3.2.8垫板 19
3.2.9模柄 20
3.2.10螺钉的选择 20
3.2.11上下模板(模座) 21
4 设备的选择 23
4.1压力中心计算 23
4.2模具闭合高度的确定 24
4.3压力机的选取 24
4.3.1设备规格的选择 24
结 论 26
致 谢 26
参考文献 27