关键词:冲压模具 轴架 模具设计
Axis frame stamping process and die design
Abstract: Stamping is an important method of metal forming, it is mainly applied to relatively soft metal forming, can be a molding of precision parts of complex shape. This topic is to stand as a design axis model, Die related knowledge as a basis to explain the design process of Die.
First, the performance of the shaft frame analysis of the process, put forward three possible solutions stamping process. Through analysis and comparison of three programs, and ultimately determine the use of the second option, select "Punching - Bending - Blanking, progressive die production of" stamping process route. Then, according to the selected process route for the main parameters of the process calculation. Determine the structure of the mold. The mold pattern, oriented approach, rough positioning, unloading, pushing material, press materials, the pieces of methods. Subsequently, to determine the main components of the mold structure and size. On this basis, assembly drawing and parts on the working drawings. Finally, determine the type and presses the main parameters. To achieve the desired effect.
Keywords: stamping die design crel Mold Design

目 录
引言 1
1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景 1
2 冲压工艺介绍 1
3 冲压工艺的种类 2
4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破 2
1 冲裁件的工艺分析 5
1.1 工件材料 5
1.2 工件结构形状 6
1.3 工件尺寸精度 6
2 冲裁工艺方案的确定 6
3 模具结构形式的确定 8
4.1 模具类型的选择 9
4.2 操作方式 9
4.3 卸料、出件方式 9
4.4 确定送料方式 10
4.5 确定导向方式 10
5 模具设计计算 11
5.1 排样、计算条料宽度、确定步距、材料利用率 11
5.2 冲压力的计算 15
5.3 压力中心的确定 17
5.4 模具刃口尺寸的计算 18
6 主要零部件设计 21
6.1 工作零部件的结构设计 21
7 校核模具闭合高度及压力机有关参数 28
7.1 校核模具闭合高度 28
7.2 冲压设备的选定 28
8 设计并绘制模具总装图及选取标准件 29
9 模具的安装调试 30
9.1 模具的安装调试 30
结论 32