摘 要
With people’s living standard increasingly development, most of them prefer taking showers indoors instead of outdoors. For worried about the health problem, only a few people will bath in outside river at summertime.
In order to serve people better, various kinds of shower come out for convenience. As a way of common injection molding, injection mould has now been adopted by mostly factories. Generally, injection molding workshop does not need to be too big. They use the design of making different parts accordingly to help makers determine the whole mould. It is in this way can the maker determine the size of the venue.
The design of the shower head production is relatively simple. First, we should analyze the shower head, determine suitable materials and injection mode. Then for mould’s manufacturing, mold design is very important for the subsequent production of the shower head. Mould is using the material mechanics, the thermal differences in physical properties, such as using the principle that die mold material’s melting point is much higher than material, hardness etc., and to achieve the production requirements though extrusion and molding.
Shower head has now become one of the necessaries in our lives, and it’s demand is also increasing. In order to supply the market, the designers pay more attention on processing of designing, molding and remolding. They put forward a lot of requirements to ensuring that it can be both lower cost and high performance which will make them easily accepted by people.
Keywords: Injection mould; Core pulling; Standard parts; Molding process

目 录
摘 要 1
一 绪 论 3
1.1淋浴头的现状 3
1.2课题的背景和意义 3
二 塑件分析 4
2.1 设计任务书 4
2.2塑件的尺寸精度分析 4
2.3 壁厚分析 4
2.4 圆角分析 5
2.5 脱模斜度分析 5
2.6 材料的选择 5
2.6.1 ABS成型特点 6
2.6.2 ABS注射工艺参数 6
2.7 塑件的计算 6
三 分型面的设计及型腔的布局 7
3.1 分型面的设计 7
3.2 型腔的布局 7
3.3 注塑机的选择 8
四 浇注系统的设计 9
4.1 组成 9
4.2 浇注原则 9
4.3 主流道的设计 9
4.4 分流道的设计 11
4.5 浇口的设计 11
五 淋浴头模具成型零部件的设计 13
5.1 成型零部件结构设计 13
5.2 成型零部件工作尺寸的计算 13
7.1 原则 17
7.2 脱模机构类型的选择 17
7.3 推杆设计 17
八 注射模温度调节系统 19
8.1 温度调节对塑件质量的影响 19
8.2 冷却系统之设计规则 19
九 模架及标准件的选用 20
9.1 模板选择 20
9.2 标准件 20
9.3 选择和校核 20
9.3.1 校核 20
9.3.2 投影面积与锁模力的校核 21
9.3.3 模具与注射机安装模具部分相关尺寸校核 21
十 抽芯系统设计 23
10.1滑块的设计 23
10.2 滑块定位设计 23
参考文献 26
致 谢 27