摘 要
关键词:注射模 ; CAD; 模具结构
The injection mold design is home bailer. To pre-designed plastic parts have a clear understanding it, production requirements, checking molding process of determining the injection machine and its parameters. When the mold structure design: Considering the number of selected cavity selected reasonable parting surfaces, core and cavity to determine the size, structure, location, mining proper gating system and release mode, checking the relevant technical parameters and get the exhaust mechanism. Finally, draw CAD parts and assembly drawings and so on. In the design of the mold structure when, according to the actual situations change and make the most appropriate choice. For example, when the gate design, more suitable for direct gate, you can not use point gate. Article's appearance is also very important, the appearance of a difference will leave a bad impression in the minds of customers. Without affecting the quality and safety of the premise, as far as possible the appearance of extreme beauty. Language of the industrial age, the mold is an important cornerstone of industrial development and progress. Design cheaper, more practical and more advanced injection mold before the country will be able to assist further in industrial development.
Key words:Injection mold; CAD Mold; structure

目 录
摘 要 I
绪论 1
1. 制件的成型工艺性能 2
1.1 塑件成型工艺 2
1.2 此塑料的成型性能 2
1.3 材料标准 3
2 成型零部件的设计 4
2.1 计算成型零部件的工作尺寸 4
2.2 计成型零部件的结构 8
2.2.1型腔 8
2.2.2 型芯 9
3 选择分型面及浇口类型 10
3.1 分型面 10
3.1.1 分型面的形式 10
3.1.2 分型面的设计原则 10
3.2 浇口 10
4 选择注射机的型号 11
4.1 塑件注射量: 11
4.2 注射机的有关工艺参数校核 11
4.3 注射机接触模具部分和模具安装的设计 13
4.3.1 喷嘴尺寸: 13
4.3.2 定位圈 13
4.3.3 最大、最小模厚 13
4.3.4 安装螺纹 13
5 设计浇注系统 15
5.1 主流道 15
5.2 浇口位置 16
5.2.1 选择原则: 16
5.2.2 故浇口位置如下图所示: 17
图5-2 17
5.2.3 冷料穴 17
5.3 设计排气结构 17
6 分析计算合模力 19
7 设计推出与复位机构 20
7.1推出机构 20
7.1.1推出机构的设计原则: 20
7.1.2 塑件顶出距离确定 20
7.2 复位机构 21
8 合模导向机构的设计 22
8.1 导柱设计 22
8.1.1 导柱结构形状 22
8.1.2 导柱结构的技术要求 22
8.2 导向孔的设计 22
8.2.1 结构形式 23
8.2.2 导套结构和技术要求 23
9 侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 24
10 模具零件的材料及热处理 25
11 温度调节系统的设计 26
11.1模具温度与塑件成型温度的关系 26
11.2 冷却系统的设计 26
11.2.1 冷却系统设置的基本原则: 26
11.2.2 冷却回路设计 26
11.2.3 冷却回路计算 26
11.3 模具的加热系统 28