主页 > 机械机电 > 模具 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16310923 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310923


关键词:  冲孔;  落料;   复合模;  压力机
The Capping of oil pressing formed technology
and mold design
Abstract:  The design introduced emphatically the workpiece takes shape the craft, and mold structural design. Through to the workpiece craft analysis, has determined the craft plan. And has designed set of true things compound molds. Uses the reference during the design, has determined each work components size. And many considerations mold structure adjustment, easy replacement and mold cost. Meanwhile has blended together the ramming mold different processing method in the mold design content, the processing craft and the assembly craft, to begins studies the ramming mold mold designer to have the certain reference value. This design designs from the mold to the spare part processing craft as well as the assembly craft and so on carries on the detailed elaboration, and carries on each important components using CAD the design.

Key words:   Punching   Blanking  the compound mold.  Press



1 绪  论    1
1.1国内模具的现状和发展趋势    1
1.2 国外模具的现状和发展趋势    3
1.3 落料拉深冲孔件模具设计的设计思路    4
2 冲压件的工艺分析及工艺方案的确定    5
2.1 冲压工件的工艺分析    5
2.2 工艺方案确定    6
3 落料、拉深、冲孔的工艺计算    7
3.1毛坯尺寸计算    7
3.2排样及材料利用率    8
3.3 计算工序压力    9
3.4压力中心的确定    11
4 模具的总体结构设计    12
4.1 模具类型设计    12
4.2 模具具体结构设计    12
5 主要零部件设计    13
5.1 主要零件刃口尺寸计算    13
5.2主要工作零部件的外形尺寸设计    14
5.3卸料零件的设计    18
5.4定位零件的设计    19
5.5 打料装置的设计    19
5.6  连接装置的设计    20
5.7 顶件装置的设计及模具装配关系确定    20
5.8模架的选取    21
6 冲压设备的选用    22
7 模具总装图及装配    23
7.1模具总装图    23
7.2模具的装配    24
7.3装配其他零件并试模    25
结 束 语    26
致    谢    27
参 考 文 献    28

图(1)制件    6
图(2)制件拆分    8
图(3)排样    9
图(4)落料凹模    16
图(5)凸凹模1    17
图(6)凸凹模2    17
图(7)冲孔凸模    18
图(8)卸料板    19
图(9)推件块    20
图(10)打板    21
图(11)模具装配    22
图(12)装配图    24
