来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16310945 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310945
摘 要
关键词: 冲压模 运动仿真 动画
The shield blanking and drawing compound dies design
The topic of the design is a shield produced by compound blanking and drawing dies, it is according to the requirements ,the contents,also the directions of cylindrical part which has a narrow flange. And it is of great significance. Throughing the die design of this part, my foundation knowledge of die design was enriched a lot. It will be helpful for my later's die-designing which are more difficult, in addition, I have gain countless experience .
The design using blanking technique and foundation knowledge of die design, first by analysising the shape of the part and feasibility of producing. All have done are making preparation for reasonable selection of blanking technique scheme . Then calculated the volume of the blank flat,so it is simple for layout designing. Finally anlysised the die structure,confirmed the die designing parameter ,designing essences and selecting tripper.
Keywords: compound blanking, working process, Inventor Studio

目 录
1 冲压模及相关软件介绍 1
1.1 冲压工艺简介与分析 1
1.2 Pro/ENGINEER简介 2
1.2.1 Pro/ENGINEER的特点 3
1.2.2 Pro/ENGINEER的模块与功能 4
2 动画设计部分 9
2.1 概述 9
2.2动画创建的一般流程 9
2.3动画创建的过程 9
2.3.1进入动画模块 9
2.3.2创建动画 11
3 心得与结论 25
3.1 心得 25
3.2 结论 25
致谢 27
参考文献 28
图一 动画模块界面………………………………………………………10
图二 主题选择界面………………………………………………………12
图三 前视图界面…………………………………………………………14
图四 开始与结束界面……………………………………………………17
图五 顶料的界面…………………………………………………………20
图六 卸料后的界面………………………………………………………24