摘 要
关键词 :冲压模具;标准模架;冲压设备;校核;冲孔;落料
This design contains blanking, punching mould and continuous mode design. This paper summarizes the stamping mould development status and trends .We perform an detailed process analysis and make sure the scheme process. According to the general procedure of stamping mould design, it calculates and designs the main component of this mould, such as the punch, hollowing block, punch plate, pad , retainer plate , stripper plate, lead-ruler ,stop pin , pilot pin and so on. Formwork uses standard module and chooses a suitable .This design conducts necessary check and calculation for the press equipment and working elements. In addition, this mould uses stop pin and stop pin of hook type to block material. Punching and blanking punch of the mould are respectively fixed different fixed plates, which are convenient for adjust clearance. Punching and .blanking hollowing block use overall fixed plate to fix.
Key words: stamping tool; standard module; press equipment; check; punching blanking

目 录
1、 引言 4
2、 零件简介 10
3、 冲压件工艺分析 11
3.1 冲压工艺介绍 11
3.2 冲压成型理论 11
3.3 冲压的工艺种类 12
3.4 零件冲压工艺分析 13
4、工艺方案及模具结构类型 14
5、冲孔落料模模具设计计算 15
5.1 排样 15
5.1.1 确定搭边值 15
5.1.2 条料宽度和步距 15
5.2 计算总压力 15
5.3 确定压力中心 15
5.4 冲模刃口尺寸计算及公差的计算 15
5.5 工件零件结构尺寸 16
5.6 其定模具零件结构 17
5.7 冲床的选定 17
5.8 模具的零件图和总装配图 18
5.9 模具主要零件的加工工艺过程 18
6、弯曲模模具设计计算 22
6.1 弯曲件的最小弯曲半径 22
6.2 弯曲变形区的应力、应变分析 22
6.3 弯曲时的应力和弯矩 22
6.4 弯曲件毛坯尺寸计算 22
6.5 自由弯曲力的计算 23
6.6 校正弯曲时弯曲力计算 23
6.7 顶件力和压料力的计算 23
6.8 压力机公称压力的确定 23
6.9 凸模圆角半径 23
6.10 凹模圆角半径 23
6.11 凹模工作部分深度 23
6.12 凹凸模间隙 23
6.13 凹模和凸模的横向尺寸及制造公差 24
6.14 其他模具零件结构尺寸 25
6.15 模具主要零件的加工工艺过程 25
6.16 模具的零件图和总装配图 26
7 辅助零件的选用 27
7.1 导向零件的选用 27
7.2 模柄的选用 27
7.3 推件、顶件装置 27
7.4 定位装置 27
总结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32