Technological analysis and punching die design of 3T electric hoist pulley shell
This paper discusses the current situation and development trend of stamping technology, analyzes the stamping process of 3T electric hoist pulley shell in detail, and designs a pair of single process punching die combined with the shape and structural characteristics of the workpiece. In this composite die, in order to make the workpiece forming, the process is completed by punching and blanking. In the case of using the existing part drawing, based on the process analysis of the workpiece, the layout drawing of the workpiece is designed, the stamping process force is calculated, the cutting edge size of punch and die is calculated, and the specific structure of the blanking compound die is designed, the drawing of the die assembly drawing and part drawing is completed, and the crank press is selected reasonably and the checking analysis is completed.
Key words:3T electric hoist pulley shell;Single process punching die ; Blanking

第一章绪论 1
1.1冲压技术的现状及其发展趋势 1
1.2毕业设计课题的主要内容及意义 2
第二章 工艺设计 5
2.1工件描述 5
2.2工件工艺分析 5
2.3工艺方案确定 6
2.4模具总体设计 6
2.5冲压工艺力的计算 8
2.5.2卸料力、顶件力的计算 9
2.5.3关于压力中心的计算 9
2.5.4凸凹模刃口尺寸计算 10
25.5压力机公称压力的选取 11
第三章 模具零件详细设计 12
3.1凹模结构设计及固定方式 12
3.1.1凹模刃口形式 12
3.1.2凹模的外形尺寸设计 12
3.2凸模结构设计 13
3.2.1凸模的结构形式 13
3.2.2凸模长度的确定 13
3.2.3凸模强度校核 14
3.2.4凸模的固定方式 14
3.3定位板的设计 14
3.4导向零件设计 15
3.5其他零件 15
3.5.1 模座 15
3.5.2 固定板 15
3.5.3 垫板 16
3.5.4 螺钉和销钉 16
第四章 压力机校核 17
4.1压力机选择 17
4.2 设备校核 17