主页 > 机械机电 > 模具 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315470 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315470

摘  要

Mold is a new type of technology industry, which plays a very important role in the progress of industry and economic development. Nowadays, in the global industrial development, especially in developed countries, mold is highly valued, also known as the mother of industry. According to the data, more than half of the global industrial products are mold products, especially automobiles In manufacturing, the dependence on mold is higher. With the rapid development of China's mold industry, China has experienced the process from zero to some, and has entered the ranks of the world's largest mold manufacturing industry, which can realize the export production of medium and high-end mold. With the economic development and market opening, the competition in the mold market is also more fierce. In the future, the production and manufacturing of high-end high-precision mold is a major trend, and the market demand will be greater
This design is about the roller injection mold. The roller is a relatively common product. It is necessary to analyze the use and process requirements of this product, select POM + 30% GF material, determine the parting surface and cavity layout, calculate the injection volume of the product, select the injection machine models that meet the production requirements in turn, and design the pouring system and the ejector Structure, calculate the working size of the forming parts, and finally complete the requirements of the die assembly drawing and the writing requirements of the instructions.
Key words:Injection mold; roller; pouring system; POM + 30% GF


第一章  绪论    1
1.1 模具技术的概述    1
1.2模具技术的国内外发展    2
1.3毕业设计的目的    3
第二章成型工艺分析    4
2.1产品工艺分析    4
2.2材料分析    4
第三章注塑机的选用与校核    6
3.1分型面的选取    6
3.2型腔的选取与布置    7
3.3初定模具结构    7
3.4注射参数的计算    8
3.5注塑机的选取    10
3.6注塑机参数的校核    11
第四章模具结构设计    13
4.1浇注系统设计    13
4.2成型零件的设计    15
4.3脱模推出机构设计    20
4.4排气系统的设计    21
4.6冷却系统的设计    22
4.7模架的选取    23
结束语    26
致谢    27
参考文献    28
