来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16315501 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315501
摘 要
The hot stamping technology of steel sheet is a new type of stamping process.The high strength steel sheet is heated to the austenitic temperature to convert the steel sheet into austenite.The high temperature billet is transferred to the hot stamping die for rapid stamping.In the press under pressure state, through the mold inside the cooling circuit arranged to ensure a certain cooling rate, the blank for quenching and cooling, after quenching steel into the martensite internal structure, and ultimately access to ultra-high strength stamping parts.This paper designed a set of hot stamping die for the production of 1500MPa grade 22MnB5 steel buckle.In the design, first of all I want to analyze the parts of the forming process.The forming process includes cutting, heating, forming and quenching.Then I designed the overall design of the hot stamping die, including the design of the mold structure, the design of the stamping device and the design of the cooling system.Finally I designed the hot stamping die parts and painted the mold assembly drawings.
Key Words:high strength;hot stamping;22MnB5;Buckle;cooling system

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题内容及意义 1
1.2 热冲压技术的特点 2
1.3 压扣零件和成形工艺分型 4
第2章 成形工序设计 7
2.1 热冲压件成形工艺分析 7
2.2 下料 8
2.2.1 热成形前钢板材料性能 8
2.2.2 毛坯计算 8
2.2.3 毛坯的冲裁工序安排 9
2.3 加热 9
2.4 成形和淬火 11
2.4.1 成形 11
2.4.2 淬火 13
第3章 热冲压模总体设计 14
3.1 热冲压模结构设计 14
3.1.1 模具工作零件 14
3.1.2 模具定位装置 17
3.1.3 模具压料、卸料及推(顶)件装置 18
3.1.4 导向装置 18
3.1.5 模具零件的安装与固定 19
3.2 冲压设备选型 19
3.2.1 冲压力的计算 20
3.2.2 压力机选择 20
3.3 热冲压模冷却系统设计 20
3.3.2 冷却系统管道主要参数 22
3.3.3 冷却系统热平衡 23
第4章 模具零件的设计与选用 26
4.1 凹模 26
4.2 凸模 26
4.3 模架 27
4.4 垫板 30
4.5 定位板 30
4.6 其他零件 30
第5章 模具总装和调试 32
5.1 压扣热冲压模具总装配 32
5.2 压扣热冲压模调试 33
第6章 总结 34
参考文献 35