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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315513 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315513

摘 要
关键词:连杆 锻压 模具设计 变形 加工工艺
    This thesis mainly introduced about the connecting rod forging process and die design . Oblique cutting connecting rod is one of the important parts of diesel engine, it will connect piston with a crankshaft , and make the gas pressure to the crankshaft which generated by the fuel in the cylinder,in order to output torque.Because it will bear very high cycle pressure impact and bending force when it is working.so it has enough fatigue strength and structural stiffness, must choose high strength material, also should have the reasonable structure shape.In order to improve the quality of connecting rod forging,in addition to consider good raw materials, heating, edge cutting, heat treatment, cleaning and other factors outside.The design parameters of die, die forging, die design and other aspects of the comprehensive analysis are also analyzed. Mainly used to solve the process and mold design.This paper by using computer 3D modeling and 2D drawing software and the objective is to evaluate and analyze the forging process of connecting rod and the oblique cutting die design and the oblique cutting of the connecting rod,forging, need to fully understand and master the relevant knowledge of the process scheme and die design for the inclined cut link.

keywords:Processing Technology; Connecting Rod; Forging and Pressing;Mould Design Deformation

该锻件较大截面处于一端,坯料长度应比锻件长度略短,材料体积:382065mm3   根据GB702-86可以对坯料的不同标准进行选择,由最大截面积可以确定坯料方钢边长为65mm方钢长度为90mm。
1.2  确定工艺方案


目  录
第1章 歪头连杆零件分析及工艺方案的确定     1
1.1  零件分析    1
1.2  确定工艺方案    2
第2章 热模锻压力机模锻件设计    3
2.1  选择分模面    3
2.2  确定模锻件加工余量及公差    3
2.3  确定锻件模锻拔模斜度    4
2.4  圆角半径的选定    4
2.5  确定锻件的冲孔连皮    5
2.6  确定锻件、模膛的技术要求    5
2.7  绘制锻件图及计算锻件基本数据    5
第3章 热模锻工艺的设计    7
3.1  确定热模锻压力机的吨位    7
    3.2飞边槽的选定    7
    3.3 绘制计算毛坯图    8
第4章 模膛的设计    12
    4.1终锻模膛的设计    11
        4.1.1终锻模膛尺寸的确定    12
        4.1.2钳口的设定    12
    4.2预锻模膛的设计    12
第5章 模架设计    14
    5.1模架设计主要内容    14
    5.2模架的结构形式    14
    5.3模块设计    15
        5.3.1模块的形式    15
        5.3.2模块尺寸的确定    16
    5.4终锻模膛及其模块设计    18
    5.5预锻模膛及其模块设计    19
第6章 总结    21
第7章 参考文献    22
第8章 致谢    23
